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可能是我自己愚昧无知.It may just be my own stupidity.

厚颜无耻由于愚昧无知。Ignorance is the mother of impudence.

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科学的敌人是愚昧无知。Science has no enemy but the ignorant.

我们下次会说到弥尔顿的愚昧无知。We'll be talking about Milton's blindness.

他向愚昧无知的人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。He drummed two injunctions into the mind of the ignorant.

我这样愚昧无知、在你面前如畜类一般。Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.

我们真的这么愚昧无知到不知道自己可以被轻易收买?Are we so uninformed about issues that we can be bought so easily?

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长期闭关自守,把中国搞得贫穷落后,愚昧无知。As a consequence, the country declined into poverty and ignorance.

他们是具有善性品德,欲望情感还是愚昧无知呢?Is the conviction of those to be in goodness, passion or ignorance?

他连北京在那里也不知道,他就是这样的愚昧无知。He is so simple minded that he does not know the whereabout of Beijing.

愚昧无知的人民,你们就这样报答上主吗?Is this the return thou makest to the Lord, O foolish and senseless people?

卡弗蒂基本上同50年的卡弗蒂是一样的,不过是个愚昧无知的傻蛋儿。Cafferty is basically a Extremely foolish guy he'vs been for the last 50 years.

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“美国人”不需要听从愚昧无知而且残忍无道的老家伙的胡言乱语。An American does not have to obey the mad ravings of ignorant, ungodly cruel, old men.

于是那些赤脚的,挨饿的,衣衫褴褛的,愚昧无知的可怜虫就。Then the starving, bootless, ragged, stupid wretches fell down and worshipped the System.

只有读书求上进的人才能学到知识,不然的话,就会变得愚昧无知。Only reading be self-motivated people can learn knowledge, otherwise, will become ignorant.

当大家都知道流感病毒就是一个潜在的杀手时,这种论调听起来有点愚昧无知。That seems to be an ignorant statement to make when this flu bug is already known as a potential killer.

世界是广阔的,那些眼光短浅、少见多怪的人其实是愚昧无知的。The world is broad and those short-sighted and less seen, more strange person are actually ignorant and stupid.

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但因为这种普通人既没有职业,也没有专业知识,就被认为是愚昧无知的。Because your average Joe didn’t have a profession or specialized knowledge he was thought of as pretty ignorant.

现实生活中,有科学的、善意的克隆,也有愚昧无知的、恶意的模仿制造。In real life, there are scientific and goodwill cloning, but also exists unwisdom, malicious parody manufacturing.

愚昧无知的人往往选择让过去做错的往事可以不要再错。The benighted person often chooses the past events which lets make the mistake to be possible not to be again wrong.