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铁矿石烧结中焦粉的燃烧过程取决于焦粉的粒度。The coke combustion process in iron ore sintering is dependent on the coke size.

片中焦波对感人生活细节的讲述,突显了本片的故事化倾向。Jiao Bos narration about the moving details in the daily life highlights the tendency to dramatization.

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讨论了在催化裂化再生器中焦中氢元素的燃烧,并推算出其相对燃烧速度。The combustion of hydrogen in coke under regeneration is also discussed and its relative burning rate is reckoned.

目的探讨黄芩正气胶囊治疗湿阻中焦证的作用机理。Objective To explore the therapeutic mechanism of Huangqin Zhengqi Capsule for the syndrome of damp retention in middle-jiao.

中焦脾胃具有腐熟水谷,吸收精微,进而将营养物质上输转送到全身的生理特点。The spleen and stomach have the physiological features of digesting food, absorbing food essence, and distributing nutrients to the whole body.

因此,减少“温敏”无核荔枝中焦核果和有核果的形成,进一步提高无核率仍是生产中亟待解决的重要问题。Therefore, in order to improve seedless rate, reducing aborted-seeded fruits and normal-seeded fruits is one of the issues to be settled urgently.

介绍中焦闭路循环工艺技术的特点,详细叙述中焦闭路循环在韶钢高炉的应用情况及降成本效果。The features of the closed-circuit circulation technique needed for the medium-sized coke are described, and the cost-reducing effects of the technique when applied to the B.

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锡钴合金镀液中焦磷酸钾的测定常采用重量法或滴定法。Concentration of potassium pyrophosphate is usually measured by means of gravimetry and titration in tin-cobalt electrolyte, but the measuring procedures are very complicated.

电石生产中焦碳颗粒的粗细及粉末含量的多少对冶炼有一定的影响,现有焦碳筛选设备存在筛网易磨损和易堵塞等技术问题。提出了采用圆筒筛筛选焦碳的方法。Aiming for the dimension of carbon grain and some technical problems, which has some influence on smelting, the way of adopting cylindric screen to filter carbon is put forward.

返流性食管炎是因中焦脾胃升降功能失常,致胃、十二指肠内容物返流入食管而引起的食管炎症病变。Return to flowing esophagitis is the Inflammation caused by the stomach, duodenum content thing returned to the esophagus, because of the abnormal function of the upper abdomen spleen and stomach.