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他们的船被淹没了。Their boat swamped.

你淹没了房屋。You flooded the house.

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你是否快被纷繁的工作所淹没了?Are you drowning in work?

洪水淹没了那座城市。Flood overwhelmed the city.

他淹没在了人群之中。The crowd swallowed him up.

将纤纤苇草淹没。That drowns the tender reed.

有几块农田被淹没了。Several farms were overflown.

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河水淹没了草地。The river flushed the meadow.

强大的水流淹没了他。The wall of water drowns him.

水淹没了曼谷。Floodwaters inundate the city.

他说的话被尖叫声淹没了。What he said was shouted down.

还是你的理智淹没了我的善感。Maybe, it's just because of you.

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大雨淹没了低地。Heavey rain flooded the lowlands.

很快,整个城市淹没于火海中。Soon, the entire city was ablaze.

你的绝情把我的爱、全部淹没。Your love my love, all submerged.

田野被雨水淹没。The fields were deluged with rain.

河水淹没了草地。The river has flooded the meadows.

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该市镇已被洪水淹没。The town was overwhelmed by flood.

一阵柔情像水浪一样淹没了她。A wave of sentiment swept over her.

洪水淹没了整个村庄。The flood swamped the whole village.