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我们可以合作。We can coördinate.

自动填写为领域的合作。Auto-fill for fields.

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想鼓励团队合作?Want to foster teamwork?

市场的实质就是分工合作。The market is cooperation.

SEM是什么样的合作方式?What is SEM of cooperation?

他仍和汤姆合作。He still partnered with Tom.

和你合作我也很愉快。I like working with you too.

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你们公司和中介合作吗?Do you work with introducers?

可以。期待合作愉快。Fine. Hope cooperation happy.

巴西国家计量局必须批准合作备忘录。Inmetro must approve the MOU.

能暸解团队合作的意义。Know the meaning of teamwork.

交流和合作。Networking and collaboration.

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但这种合作或许好景不长。The cooperation may not last.

在协同时代下,如何选择合作伙伴?How to choose the co-partners?

王微来参加了一个合作伙伴会议。Gary came to a partner meeting.

具有较好的团队合作精神。Have good sense of team spirit.

我就骑上马,在该领域的合作。I rode the horse in the fields.

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有许多才能互补型的合作。There are many talent pairings.

百度与其有着合作关系。We had a partnership with them.

每个合作伙伴擅长什么?What does each partner do well?