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中国早期传统中的狐狸精Foxes in Early Chinese Tradition ‘4

成功是金,失败是狐狸精。Success is gold, failure is a bitch.

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五十年代的魅力适合老式的狐狸精。Fifties glamour fit for a vintage vixen.

你说我是一个狐狸精,一个漂亮的狐狸精。You say that I am a fox, a beautiful fox.

他觉得好像被一个狐狸精迷惑住了。He felt as if he had been bewitched by a fox.

公狐狸精也能从男人那儿吸取精气。Male fox demons can absorb energy from men, too.

在日本,狐狸会使人想到“狐狸精”。In Japan, the fox will make people think of "bitch".

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与此同时,灵山一年一度的狐狸精大赛即将举行。At the same time, lingshan contest the upcoming annual fox spirit.

她的形象经过多年的变换,已从卖弄风情的狐狸精变为朴实的母亲。Her image has evolved over the years from vamp vixen to earthy mother.

只有没有礼仪的人才会去叫一个女人狐狸精!这么做不礼貌。Only someone with no manners would call a woman a fox! It's not polite.

唐代著作也显示出狐狸精与高级神祗之间的连系Tang writings also reveal a connection between the fox and higher divinities

金成记起,这是日君与朋友到庙祝祈求、治理狐狸精的灵符。Jin Chengji up, this is you pray to temple with friends, must govern the fox.

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报告皇后。国王被一只狐狸精迷住了。整天都在她那里!Report to queen. The king has been fascinated by a fox spirit. He is in her home one day!

但这狐狸精形象大概更多停留在性幻想层面,而非高雅艺术。But their sinister seductresses arguably belong more to the realm of sexual fantasy than high art.

老板和小尘都十分惊讶,莫非这白衣少年也是狐狸精?The owner and small dust is all quite surprised, might it not be this white dress is the youth also a coquette?

哦,你是说老爸的女友总是笑嘻嘻,展示自己的优点,但其实你很清楚她是个狐狸精。Oh, you mean how Dad's girlfriend is always smiling and say nice things but deep down you just know she's a bitch.

距狐狸精大赛的日期越来越近,灵山众姐妹之间的心眼也越斗越厉害。From the date of the fox series is more and more close, lingshan eye between the sisters is the more powerful the bucket.

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九妹回到房间,见八妹收拾好包袱要去参加狐狸精大赛,便开口说她也一起回去。Nine younger sister return to room, see eight sister going to fox series, packed my baggage then said she also back together.

婚姻承受不了这种介入,但是我完全相信如果没有这个狐狸精的存在我们可以渡过这个难关。There is no way our marriage can survive this interference, but I wholeheartedly believe we can get past this if she is not in the picture.

汉代的医学文献则加强了这一形象,马王堆考古遗址发掘的两份医方把疾病的导致归咎于狐狸精。Han medicinal texts confirm this image, for two medical prescriptions uncovered in the archaeological site of Mawangdui blame fox spirits for causing illnesses.