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它靠近一条小河。It is on a river.

它靠近伯恩茅斯。It's near Bournemouth.

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电力线已经很靠近了。The power cable is near.

我们曾经非常靠近。Eventhough We Were Close.

火使野兽不敢靠近。Fire repels wild animals.

无烟区,靠近窗口。Non-smoking, window seat.

如此靠近却又如此遥远。So close while so faraway.

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他悄悄地靠近了那所建筑。He stalked to the building.

而立场3比立场2更靠近立场5So 3 is closer to 5 than 2.

您的地方靠近捷运站吗?。Are you near an MRT station?

笑脸迎人,靠近接待每位宾客。Smile and greet every guest.

靠近喀山城了。Approaching the city of Kazan.

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靠近窗户边上有一个搁架。Next to the window is a shelf.

要打就要趁虫靠近的时候。Strike while the bug is close.

不要靠近黑洞洞的巷子。Do not approach in a dark alley.

我们的住处靠近泰晤士河入海口。We live near the Thames estuary.

这里已经干了很久了,靠近悬崖一边的路面很松弛了,记住一定要靠着山走。Be sure to hug the mountain side.

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他靠近着这亮着灯的窗户。He approached the lighted window.

他眯起眼睛靠近窥视孔看了看。He squinted through the peephole.

他把他的车停放在靠近出口处的车位上。He stalled his car near the exit.