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小肠是长管形器官。The small intestine is a long, tubular organ.

小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。Small bowel intussusception may require resection.

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这是为了你的小肠先生,也是为了你的十二指肠先生。This is for Mr. Lower Intestine. This is for Mr. Duodenum.

小肠平滑肌肉瘤是一种罕见的肿瘤。Leiomyosarcoma of the small intestine is an uncommon tumor.

由动物小肠制造的避孕套开始被使用。Condoms made out of animal intestines began to be available.

可想而知,袋状小肠并不能完全像结肠一样运行。Obviously, the pouch doesn't work exactly the same as the colon.

但腹腔疾病导致免疫系统损害小肠。But celiac causes the immune system to damage the small intestine.

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小肠RNA可降低受照射小鼠肠道细菌移位率。Intestinal RNA decreased the intestinal bacterial metathetic rate.

他们通常经小肠特殊部位被吸收。These drugs are usually a orbed from sites in the small intestine.

但是阿司匹林还是可以伤到胃和小肠。But it can also harm the inside of the stomach and small intestine.

他们通常经小肠特殊部位被吸收。These drugs are usually absorbed from sites in the small intestine.

通常治疗方法就是通过手术切除小肠。Often, the only solution is surgical removal of the small intestine.

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新斯的明增强小肠和大肠的运动功能。Neostigmine augments the motor activity of the small and large bowel.

胆囊纤维化患者小肠菌群过度生长的风险因素。Risk factors for small bowel bacterial overgrowth in cystic fibrosis.

小肠吻合可能破裂并产生瘘管和腹膜炎。Enteric anastomoses may disrupt and produce a fistula and peritonitis.

经口给铝对小肠也存在一定诱导作用。Oral administration of Al also could induce MT in the small intestine.

目的探讨小肠蛔虫病的CT表现,以提高对其CT征象的识别。Objective To improve the ability of recognizing ascarides on CT images.

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然后,他们可以通过小肠的未消化食物蛋白质窃喜。They then get undigested food protein coursing through the small bowel.

“只有子宫。”田世福说。“膀胱和大小肠都完好无损。”"Just the uterus," said Tierney. "He left the bladderand bowel intact."

这是另一例发生在小肠的克隆病。This is another example of Crohn's disease involving the small intestine.