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这种程度的自然本底射线是很常见的。These levels of naturaland background radiation is normal.

而只有较少的本底气体引进于射薄膜中。And less background gas is incorporated in the deposited film.

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从生物机理上说,我们可能已经习惯了这种本底辐射。Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.

研究了扣除低能散射中子本底的方法。The method of detecting the low-energy scattering, neutron background was studied.

但其检测量大大高于自然本底辐射量一万倍。But natural background radiation is more than 100, 000 times the highest levels detected.

实验发现海水鱼类较淡水鱼类甲醛本底含量高,鱼雪鱼类甲醛含量比其它品种高得多。We found the amount of instinct formaldehyde of seawater fish was higher than water fish.

采用烟草本底中加烟碱标样的方法测定游离烟碱回收率,测定结果偏低。The recovery of free nicotine determined is lower by adding standard sample in tobacco background.

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北京谱仪BES辐射本底水平是由大厅内的辐射水平决定的。The radiation background of BES detector depends on the radiation level in the BES experimental hall.

我国东南四省广泛分布着大量的富铀花岗岩,是氡的高本底区。Widespread in the four provinces of Southeast China are U-rich granites , with a high-radon background.

目的为了摸清昌北机场的鼠患及其携带病原体的情况,进行了1年的本底调查。Objective To identify rodent damage and relative pathogens to provide basis for prevention at Changbei Airport.

有意思的是,电厂里的本底辐射水平低于莫斯科中心的本底辐射水平。It is an interesting fact that background radiation level in the power plant is lower than in the center of Moscow.

这束平行光的直边衍射花纹与光斑本底叠加的结果在观察屏上形成为通常所称的M线。The straight-edge diffraction of this parallel beam superposing on the light spot constitutes the so-called M-line.

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对该系统的坪特性、本底、死时间、端效应和壁效应等性能进行了测试。The performances of the system, such as plateaus, background, deadtime, end effect and wall effect were well tested.

同时谨请给本人们答案逐对本人们公司的政策和在本底调查的付款条件问题。Pls also kindly give us answer point-by-point for our company policy and payment terms at the bottom of this inquiry.

按照模拟计算,实验大厅薄气隙室周围的主要本底是中子和光子。According to a simulation, the main source of the background around TGC in the experimental hall is neutrons and photons.

目的了解粤北地区的医学媒介生物本底情况。Objective To study the diversity and distribution of medically important insect vectors in the northern area of Guangdong.

我们已得到的实验结果表明,本底信号被剔除,并可获得良好的信噪比。The result we have got indicates that the back-ground signal can be removed and good signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained.

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文中还用模式重叠的概念分析了本底光偏离标准的TEM10模对测量结果的影响。We also analyze the effect of the deviation of local oscillator beam from TEM10 mode on the displacement measurement result.

结论广州地铁二号线开通前本底卫生环境优于广州地铁一号线。Conclusion The background sanitation status of Guangzhou metro 2nd line before operation was better than that of the 1st line.

研究了d-T中子源与探测器距离较近时,扣除实验大厅散射中子本底的方法。When the neutron detector is near tod-T neutron source, the method for deducting the scattering neutron background is studied.