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爸爸无视我。Dad ignored me.

公然无视他?Blatantly ignore him?

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罪犯无视法律。Criminals defy the law.

他无视她的感情。He trampled on her feelings.

无视所有的预言。Disregard all prognostications.

不要无视我的痛苦。Yael, don't trivialize my pain.

有些司机无视速度限制。Some drivers ignore the speed limit.

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我们无视他们,因为他们是粪青。We dismiss them because they are chavs.

而当你终于无视地走过。But when at last you walk past unseeing.

不干不净,完全无视个人卫生。And utter disregard for personal hygiene.

而我们不应该无视这些共同性。And we shouldn't ignore those similarities.

他无视上级擅自行动。He acted without reference to his superior.

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如果你的回答是‘否’,那么你大可直接无视他。If the answer is no, ignore it and move on.

但是,他们的呼吁被华沙无视了。However, their appeal was ignored by Warsaw.

阿尼根本无视我的存在,因为他是同性恋者。Arnie literally ignored me, because he's gay.

你的社论全然无视铁一般的事实。Your editorial blithely ignores the hard facts.

但很显然,布拉特无视了一切。But, evidently, Blatter is oblivious to all that.

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无视那根小辫子,我那时很傻很天真。Ignore the pigtails. I was more nai've back then.

我们的老板无视于现代商业的趋势。Our boss is blind to the current business trends.

对于任何一个驾驶员来说,无视限速是危险的。It is dangerous for any driver to ignore eed limit.