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艾伯林侦探“上帝会帮助我们。”Det. Aberline God help us.

现在侦探工作开始了。Now the detective work starts.

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我来找马里侦探。I'm here to see Detective Malloy.

现在由艾博兰侦探负责。Inspector Abberline is in charge.

那个人被一个侦探尾随着。The man was tailed by a detective.

侦探用带子将手枪系住。The detective belted his pistol on.

侦探长的眼珠子都凸出来了。The house detective 's eyes bulged.

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该侦探说,广田明自称健三的兄弟。Ming claimed he was Kenzo's brother.

一些侦探正在把守着门。Some inspector are guarding the door.

侦探们撤出来并驱散了围观者。Detectives fade to distant bystanders.

这开始引起了侦探的注意。That began to interest the detectives.

都是那笨蛋侦探的罪过!And by the blundering of the detective!

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他发现自己被侦探跟踪。He found himself tailed by a detective.

那侦探追赶一个窃贼。The detective took out after a burglar.

这时,你得有些侦探一样的敏锐感觉。You’ll have to be a bit of a detective.

当然可以,侦探先生。悉听尊便。Of course, Detective. Anything you need.

私家鹅侦探能逮补真凶吗?Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?

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侦探就得眼观六路耳听八方。A detective must be all eyes and all ears.

那名侦探很快就于真相大白。The detective soon ravelled out the truth.

侦探宣誓所控属实后领到一张搜查证。The detectives swore out a search warrant.