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国有独资公司。Wholly state-owned company.

鲽鱼或独资,煮熟,3盎司。Flounder or sole, cooked, 3 ounces.

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那么,一个独资企业家该采取怎样的措施呢?So what’s a solo entrepreneur to do?

强中玩具系加拿大独资企业,创建于2003年。QZ Pet is a Canadian enterprise built in 2003.

为什么那么多商界人士偏爱独资?Why do many business people prefer proprietorships?

BATT咨询服务公司是一家外商独资企业。BATT Consulting Services Company was set up in 2002.

现在中国允许外商独资用油企业。Enterprises wholly owned by foreigners are now allowed.

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这也是独资经营企业的优势之一。That is one of the advantages of a sole proprietorship.

金德泰陶瓷是一家规模较大的私营独资企业。Jindetai Chinaware is a large-scale private-owned enterprise.

一人公司和个人独资企业不能互相取代。One-man company cannot replace sole proprietorship each other.

嘉善值得贸易有限公司是一家私营独资企业。Jiashan worth Trade Co. , Ltd. is a privately-owned enterprises.

不得设立外商独资职业介绍机构。Foreign self-funded job referral service agencies are disallowed.

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质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。Pledgee is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in China.

南安市鸿兴五金制品有限公司成立于1986年,是港商独资企业。Ltd. was established in 1986 , Is a wholly-owned Hong Kong companies.

泷泽西亚咨源是一个美商独资咨询公司。Takizawa Zexi Ya consultative sole source is a U. S. consulting firm.

我公司是一家独资企业,位于西青开发区东侧。Our company is a wholly-owned company, located east of West Green Zone.

本公司成立于2001年,是一家外商独资企业。The company was founded in 2001, is a wholly foreign-owned enterprises.

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本公司是一台商独资贸易公司,产品全部外销。The Company is a Taiwanese-owned trading companies, products for export.

可耐福石膏板有限公司是一家德商独资的纸面石膏建材生产企业。Company Ltd. is an enterprise solely invested by German Company in China.

独资台湾医院也将会允许在大陆经营。Wholly-owned Taiwanese hospitals will also be allowed to operate in China.