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想和你在一起,哪怕是打打闹闹。And you want together , even ruckus.

在候车的时候不要嬉戏打闹。No horseplay while waiting for the bus.

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过了三年打打闹闹的生活后,他们最终还是离婚了。They finally divorced after 3 years' hobbling.

杰克,别打闹了——爸爸要午睡一会儿。Jack, cut it out---Dad is trying to take some naps.

它们会嬉笑打闹,相互亲腮帮子。They will be frolicking with each other pro cheeks.

我们一起打闹的时候我忘了他是个明星。I forget he is a star when we are playing each other.

见到老师行个礼,同学之间不打闹。Salute teachers and do not quarrel between classmates.

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我希望我的家庭是其乐融融,没有争吵,没有打闹。I hope my family is happy, no quarrel, no rowdy session.

胖子絮叨,傻笑,开怀大笑,打打闹闹,还好说闲话。Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, gallumph, and gossip.

远处的打闹声随风传来,比以往任何时候都要大。The noise of the distant fight breezed up louder than ever.

哎怎么没见猴子猴孙们打闹嬉戏的身影?Why can't we see the monkeys playing games with each other?

同学之间讲团结,解决矛盾不打闹。Be united between classmates. Solve the argues without quarrel.

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因为父亲和妈妈不同,他们更喜欢和孩子们打打闹闹地玩耍。Unlike mothers, fathers tend to roughhouse with their children.

请勿在本区域奔跑、打闹,以免受伤。Please do not run and play in order to avoid accident and wounds.

这些孩子总是追来追去,嬉戏打闹,吵得不得了。These children are always chasing about, making a terrible noise.

凯文和孩子们在厨房打闹着做煎饼。Kevin and the children make a racket over pancakes in the kitchen.

看到很多小朋友在大街上打闹嬉戏,就像我小时候那样!So many children disporting happily on the street like my childhood.

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初步论证了追逐打闹游戏的本质和功能。The nature and function of rough-and-tumble play were also dealt with.

曾经我们同窗共读,曾经我们嬉戏打闹,曾经我们共度风雨。Once we read, once our classmate, once we were playing swooping storms.

新的工资政策在昨天的会上引起了激烈的打闹。The new wages policy caused a terrible fracas at the meeting yesterday.