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他们甚至可能会把我当作良师。They might even see me as a mentor.

良师作为一个例子,可以助你更轻松地走向成功。Mentors can help you achieve success more easily by acting as an example.

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月亮万万千,太阳千千万,若是无良师,依旧是黑暗。With thousands of moons and suns but without good teachers, it would be still dark.

友谊是可以依靠的肩膀,是良师,是无法言语的慰藉,它可以带来美好的时刻以及欢声笑语,它可以提高自尊心,提供伙伴,甚至有利于身心健康。The good times and shared laughter. Friendships offer all these benefits, and lots more.

和你的良师诤友们商讨对策,也许会发现一些与众不同的观点!Discuss your weaknesses with your loved ones. They probably have a different perspective!

从那时开始,我深觉我只需要打开自己的心做一个学生,因为我的四周就是良师。I have learned that I need only to open my mind as a student to be surrounded by great teachers.

土星,良师的星球,已经引导室女宫到现在了,但是从七月21日起将进去天秤。Saturn, the teacher planet, has been touring Virgo until now, but will move into Libra on July 21.

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我为那个曾经为我良师的人哭泣,他改变了我对事情的看法。I cried for the man who taught me the ways of life. The one person who changed my views towards many things.

梅贻琦教师观是在"良师"的基础上进一步要求成为"大师"的。Close reading of Mei Yiqi's original work shows that Masters" is a higher requirement based on Good Teachers".

年事愈长,我愈珍惜多年前基督徒良师尝试教我的一些基本的道理。The older I become, the more I appreciate the basic things my good Christian mentors tried to teach me years ago.

最后,我还要特别感谢佛罗里达国际大学工程学院的教授,他们是我们永远的良师和朋友。And finally I would especially like to thank the FIU faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors , and friends.

当我完成清单后,我自豪地将它交给一个睿智的长者,他曾是我少年时代的良师和精神楷模。When my inventory was completed I proudly showed it to a wise elder who had been the mentor and spiritual model of my youth.

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当然更不能说“人皆我师”,能够指点迷津的良师,即便是那些声名显赫、引人注目的“大虾”也难当此任。Are all men desirable companions, much less teachers, able to give us advice, even of those who get reputation and command a hearing?

从所在群体中找一位年长的良师帮助了解这个群体、群体的治疗手段、及其价值。Find an oldermentor within the community to help learn about the community, its healing practices, and its values, urged Mehl-Madrona.

如果母亲生在现在,有机会把自己造成一个教员,必可成为一个循循善诱的良师。If the mother is born in now, the opportunity to own caused a teacher, which will become a be good at giving systematic guidance teacher.

他是一位比苏格拉底和阿奎那更好的良师,这些文章几乎暗示了弥尔顿,没有老师埃蒙德·斯潘塞则不能做到弃绝那些诱惑。He's a better teacher than Scotus or Aquinas, and the text seems almost to suggest that Milton can't do without his own teacher, Edmund Spenser.

扎克利建议,要明确自己希望实现的目标,并确立标准,来决定谁才是能帮助自己实现目标的良师。Zachary recommends identifying specific goals you want to achieve and establishing criteria to determine the right mentor to help you reach them.

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在孩子学习声乐的过程中,知何选择好的老师,怎样的老师才算“良师”是众多家长关心的议题。Many parents are concerned with how to choose "good teachers" and who can be considered as "good teachers", when their children are studying singing.

教师的作用是传道、授业、解惑,传布文明之火,有了良师方可育得桃李芬芳。The functions of teacher are preaching, imparting knowledge, answering doubts, in other words the teacher is the mediator between civilization and people.

但是寻寻觅觅后,却发现在整个内蒙古,真正的潮尓奏者已经绝迹,就这样他平生第一次踏上了外蒙古,辗转到新疆的阿尔泰山脉,终于觅得了一位良师。But then he discovered that it had already died out in Inner Mongolia, so he first went to Outer Mongolia, then to the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang to find a teacher.