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幼小的她勤奋好学,遍览各种经典名著。She studied hard when she was young and read many books.

只要遍览下面的动画gif图像集即可。Just scroll down to the gallery of animated gif images below.

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现在您已经遍览了本文中的步骤,应当知道如何Now that you have worked through the steps in the article, you know how to

在我遍览各处藏室之前,找到另外一部可以和伊本‧鲁世德原稿相媲美的稀世珍品对我来说不足为奇。And before then, I would not be surprised to find another rare manuscript comparable with that of Ibn Rushd.

程序代码在遍览文章内容并在信息面板显示所计算的字符数时出错。Our code is incorrectly stepping through the contents of the story when calculating the character count to display in the Info panel.

在过去的两周里,我们遍览群山、周游殖民城市,领略了苍翠繁茂的云雾雨林以及拔地而起的活火山群,还有那一座座深不见底的湖泊和石灰岩谷。In two weeks, we`d visited high mountains and colonial cities, a lush cloud forest and active volcanoes, deep lakes and limestone valleys.

程亚杰在遍览世界艺术之后落驻新加坡发展,而新加坡对他又有殷切的期望,这是难得的心灵之遇。After traveling around the world, Cheng chose to practice art in Singapore, and the Singaporeans also have great expectations for the young artist.

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坦尚尼亚另一个惊人之处就是广阔的塞伦盖提平原,相当受观光客欢迎,将这里视为从事狩猎之旅与遍览各种野生动物的景点。Another of Tanzania 's wonders is the vast Seregeti plain, popular with tourists as a place to go on safari and see the country's abundant wildlife.

遍览欧洲、亚洲和美洲,对效率的不懈追求使得公司不断取得巨额利润,手握着大把现金。Looking at Europe, Asia and the Americas, the relentless pursuit of efficiency allows the company to continue to make huge profits, holds a lot of cash.

在北京城巾还有一批遍览群经的博学硕儒,襄赞皇帝奉行仪典,撰写官方历史,老育皇族子嗣。Also in Peking were the senior scholars and academicians who advised the emperor on ritual matters, wrote the official histories, and supervised the education of the imperial children.

重构脚本可以让您轻松地进行应用程序的升级,而不必担心客户需要花上几小时的时间去遍览文档以找出代码被破坏的原因。Refactoring scripts allow you to easily upgrade your applications without worrying about clients having to spend hours looking through documentation to figure out what broke their code.