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乐府元白体,诗文传世长。Yue Fu Yuan white, handed down the long poems.

并回顾了后世对其乐府诗的评价。The evaluation by afterworld will be retrospected.

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分析了张、王二人乐府诗的唱和现象。The responsory of these two persons will be analyzed.

是的,乐府诗的特点就是有强烈的现实感。Yes, it is characterized by a strong sense of reality.

原诗确实是感情真挚、音韵和谐的“乐府”佳作。The original version was one of the best emotional, harmonious poems.

第四章讨论“乐府古辞系统”的发展阶段。The forth chapter deals with the developing phase of the system of Guci.

同时他又以乐府诗为基础,在传统的诗境之外开辟了新的词境。Furthermore, he created the new style of Ci-verses based on the Yuefu poem.

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第三章讨论“乐府古辞系统”的形成过程。The third chapter discusses the formation of" the system of Guci in Yuefu".

唐人完全自创的乐府诗新题目,其方式主要有两种。And the new subjects created originally by Tang People consist of two types.

宫词类乐府是唐后乐府诗中新题乐府之一类。Palace poem is one of the new Yuefu poems among after-Tang period Yuefu poems.

第二章讨论“乐府古辞系统”的初起阶段。The second chapter discusses the beginning stage of "the System of Guci in Yuefu".

从这四个方面的约定性上,可以将“新乐府”一称由最广至最狭划分为四个层次。Accordingly, New Yuefu can be divided to four levels from the narrow to the widest.

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乐府与太乐是秦汉之际两大并存的音乐机构。Yuefu and Taiyue were two music institutions existing side by side in Qin and Han Dynasty.

天乐府全体员工祝四海宾朋能在此度过愉快美好的时光!The whole staff wish the friends from all over the world have great time in Eden Plaza Hotel.

而整个乐府文学的规律性的特征,是鲍照乐府雅俗兼具风格的根源。And the regular features of the folk literature are the sources of the way Bao Zhao had taken.

王昆成长、生活在民间传统文化最浓厚的地区,在这片土地上曾经诞生了先秦两汉时期的诗经,乐府。Wang Kun was born and brought up, and later lived in an area rich in folk traditional culture.

他们的乐府诗创作颇多学习和继承两汉民间乐府之处。And their poem creation had studied and inherited many from the folk Yuefu poems of Han dynasty.

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娱乐性的减弱使唐代诗人得以借乐府古题来抒发其强烈的感情。However, with the weakening entertainment, the poets in Tang Dynasty could fully express themselves.

这一创作行为在乐府诗的发展史上具有重要的意义。This explains practical significance of imitative writing in the history of Yue-fu poetry development.

唐代文人谣是文人新乐府的一部分,是文人新乐府诗歌多种体式的一种。Wenrenyao of the Tang Dynasty, as a part of Xinyuefu, is one form of the various categories of Xinyuefu.