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我就是一个自恋主义者。I am a narcissist.

他们是犹太复国主义者。They are Zionists.

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我是个完美主义者。I’m a perfectionist.

原始主义是什么?。What Is Primitivism?

他们是家长主义者。They are paternalist.

他倾向于和平主义。He leaned to pacifism.

苏格拉底是女性主义吗?Is Socrates a feminist?

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表现主义艺术新浪潮。New Wave Of Expression.

那便是工具主义。That's instrumentalism.

欧洲人是和平主义者。Europeans are pacifists.

它产生了共和主义。It led to Republicanism.

这是一个立体主义的时代。It's the time of Cubism.

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行为主义则不同。Behaviorism is different.

他最初是一个唯美主义者。He begins as an aesthete.

他们是完美主义者。Libras are perfectionists.

布什主义能走多远?Can the Bush doctrine last?

他们会实践神秘主义吗?Do they practice occultism?

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这就是为什么我是一个多元主义者。That's why I'm a pluralist.

他们都是犹太复国主义的支持者。They were both pro-Zionist.

什么是后印象主义?。What Is Post-Impressionism?