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海洋灾害预报系统。Marine disaster forecasting system.

旱涝灾害的影响评估。The influence of drought and flood.

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我曾数灾害在我的生命。I've had a few disasters in my life.

但海地特大灾害的情况并非如此。Not so for the mega-disaster in Haiti.

天灾人祸,灾害频发。Natural disasters. Human-made disasters.

灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。The risk of disaster quietly accumulates.

灾害遥感监测业务体系。Disaster remote-sensing monitoring system.

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沙尘暴是一种风沙灾害天气。Dust-storm is a wind sand disaster weather.

确实用缩写名签武器损坏固定的灾害标枪。Fixed Plague Javelin to do initial weapon damage.

干旱是主要气候灾害之一。The drought is one of the main climatic disasters.

而且这两座城市都是灾害频发地区。And both cities are in very hazard-prone locations.

大风灾害和火灾在内陆地区频繁发生。Inland, the risks from high winds and fires abound.

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森林灾害是可以计量的经济损失。The forest disasters are estimable economic losses.

诸如这些灾害能直接或间接致人死地。Disasters like these can kill directly or indirectly.

若其来量过大,就会造成巨大的灾害。If flood is overly great, it would set off huge harm.

但是人类制造的灾害被证明才是关键点。But manmade disasters proved to be the sticking point.

本研究对水旱灾害损失进行了系统的研究。In this study, flood and drought losses of the system.

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此次泥石流灾害已造成至少1117人死亡。The massive mudslide has caused at least 1,117 deaths.

正是如此才避免了灾害的扩大。That is how the escalation of the disaster was averted.

灾害物理学是灾害学的分支学科之一。Disaster physics is one of branches of disaster science.