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每一件事都有它的两面性。Everything has its double sides.

每一项选择都具有正反两面性。Every option has its pros and cons.

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中国的两面性并不匹配。The two sides of China are incommensurate.

传记文学具有两面性。Biographical literature is a bi-lateral fact.

谢里丹的戏剧表现了硬币的两面性。Sheridan's play shows both sides of the coin.

事实上,在我们的生活中很多事情都具有两面性。In fact , in our life , a lot of things have two-face.

但即使是莱拉·阿里也承认,自己的性格具有鲜明的两面性。But even Laila Ali admits that she is a walking dichotomy.

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因为它具有两面性,我们应该辩证地看待它。Because it has two sides, we should dialectically treat it.

中国的两面性并不匹配。There isn’t one. The two sides of China are incommensurate.

核能的两面性为作家提供了诸多写作素材。THE Janus-faced nature of atomic power has inspired much writing.

如果你真的研究过他的生平,你可以看到他身上的两面性。When you really study the life of Leary, you see both sides of him.

在花艺界,我们应当看到“流行”的两面性。In flower industry we have to see these two sides of the word trend.

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而它的抗日和反共,又各有其两面性。And both their resistance to Japan and their anti-communism bear a dual character.

总之,围封对草地的作用具有两面性。In short, exclosure has different influence on grasslands under different situation.

为了同一个目标,战士和协调者的双重身份造就了他的两面性。The warrior and the conciliator form two sides of the same soul, seeking one result.

另外,任何事情都有它的两面性,这种牧南下禽北上的计划有什么负面问题吗?However, everything has two sides. Is there any negative problems to execute this plan?

在他的自传里,这两面性常使这个理想的朝圣者犹豫不决。Both sides too often confuse him with the striving pilgrim he portrayed in his autobiography.

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所以,我并不认为整个事件是由互联网引起的,它具有两面性。So I do not necessarily think the internet in itself is causing this, it is a two-way street.

从这里我们可以知道塞选和推荐其实只不过是同一事物的两面性。The take away here is that filtering and recommendation are really two sides of the same coin.

然而,任何事物都有两面性,网络新闻在发展的同时也掩藏着危机。However, everything has both sides. With the developing of network news, it also hides the crisis.