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一九二九年二月再版。In February 1929 reprint.

这是一部再版书。This is a second edition.

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这些是再版书。Those are reprinted copies.

她的小说已在再版。Her novel is reprinting already.

得到PMI的许可在这里进行了再版。Reproduced here by permission of the PMI.

这本书再版时插入了新的一章。A new chapter is included in the second edition.

孩子们,在那种小小年纪总是母亲的再版。Children at that age are only copies of their mother.

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再版的时候整个的第二章都被删掉了。The entire Chapter II was left out in the second edition.

在后来的二十年里,该书再版了十四次。In the next twenty years it went through fourteen editions.

这本书已被再版14次,销售依然稳定。The book has sold about 14m copies and still sells steadily.

许多人可能认为我没有什么深度,但这本书却一版再版。Many people thought I was a fruitcake, but the book sold and sold.

上海“世博”板块是否会成为北京“申奥”板块的再版?Shanghai "Expo" plate will become Beijing "Olympic" plate reprints ?

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有人告诉我我的一篇文章已在那家杂志上重印再版。I am told that one of my articles has been reprinted in the magazine.

与单行本出版物的不同之处在于再版引用出处。It differs from reprinted publication in that a reprint cites sources.

这些再版将有新的ISBN,独特的夹克和强大的品牌。These reissues will have new ISBNs, distinctive jackets and strong branding.

他的第一部小说成了畅销书,几家公司要求为他再版。His first novel became a best seller and several firms offered to publish for him.

目前身名狼藉的“魔杖倒序问题”在再版中被更正了。The now-infamous" Wand Order Problem" was corrected in later editions of the book.

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后来由KNOW公司以小册子形式再版,并再版了好几次。It was later reprinted as a pamphlet by KNOW, Inc., and reprinted in several books.

来自科学杂志的2011年4月29日刊,再版得到美国艺术和科学研究院的许可。From the April 29, 2011 issue of Science magazine. Reprinted with permission of AAAS.

随后当期杂志全部被召回,再版的新杂志里该文章被撤下。Later the copies were recalled and the article was removed from the reprinted version.