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哇,果然好洋气呢!Wow, really good Western style!

白领算个屁,养猪才洋气。White collar is a fart, pig to Western style.

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还能让她看起来更洋气一点。The effect will also be to give her a slightly more western look.

房子位于管庄,名字很洋气,叫柏林爱乐。The apartment building located in Guanzhuang with an alien name called “Berlin Philharmonic”.

对于一些产品来说,有一个带点“洋气”的名字比本土化的中文名字更有优势。For some products, having a foreign-sounding name lends a cachet that a true Chinese name would lack.

口红要依据颜色来改动涂划的方法,才干使化装看起来有气质、不洋气。Lipstick color changes to scrawling based approach, ability to make-up appears to have temperament, not foreign flavor.

叫这个看起来很土的名字,会比叫一个很洋气的名字好,因为这个案名蕴涵着很深厚的文化气息。This seems territories called names than the Christian name is a very good, since this case came from a very deep culture.

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保留洋气有利于文化的交流,有利于丰富本民族的文化。Foreign flavor in translation is conducive to the cultural exchange between nations and the enrichment of the target culture.

对渴望看起来更“洋气”的亚洲女性来说,双眼皮手术、鼻子整形手术等整容治疗越来越受青睐。Certain plastic surgery treatments, including double-eyelid surgery and nose jobs, are increasingly popular amongst Asian woman wishing to look more western.

传统的检测方法在检验氢焰检测仪的最小浓度及其它技术指标时,通常采用人工配制洋气的方法,其配样不确定度和较大的主观误差成为系统误差的主要部分。That is the traditional testing method of the minimum detectable density of the Hydrogen Flame Chromatographer and the other technical indexes is to use hand made sample gas.