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所以,她把枪里的撞针卸了出来。So she took the firing pin out of the gun.

螺栓的撞针在其体内精。The bolt has firing pin milled in its body.

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瞧,那撞针是整个枪的关键!See, the firing pin is the key to the whole case!

钢锁与撞针于大角斗场结识威震天。Grimlock and Impactor meet Megatron within the arenas.

走到林荫大道上,他发现那手枪没有撞针。On the boulevard he noticed that the pistol had no trigger.

它还具有独立的撞针,是由锤经营。It also has separate firing pin that was operated by hammer.

撞针生锈了,二等兵狗屎。外出取消。名字?Rust on the butt plate hinge spring, Private Bullshit. Revoked. Name?

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我帮你切断电源,你在不触动撞针的情况下抬脚。It'll cut the power long enough for you to step off without removing the pin.

在真枪,一些撞针可通过强大的磁场磁化,导致失火。On real guns, some firing pins may be magnetized by strong magnets, causing misfire.

在未能打出的子弹被判为允许故障之前,应该能够看到清楚的撞针撞击的凹痕。A "misfire" cartridge must show clear firing pin indentation before it can be recorded as a permitted malfunction.

在处理两个主要组件,内部处理的凸轮插入管组成,处理和外部举行撞针剪辑。The handle consists of two major assemblies, an internal handle tube with an cam insert, and an external handle holding the firing pin clip.

课题主要对撞针型高压小孔径离心式喷嘴的雾化加湿性能进行研究。This' paper mainly researches on the humidifying property of the centrifugal nozzle with firing pin type, high pressure and little aperture.

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当抛出,头部转移手榴弹相对于外部处理和释放从内部小切口插入的撞针剪辑。When thrown, the grenade head shifts relative to the outer handle and frees the firing pin clip from the small notch in the internal insert.

在观测进针部分,加装摄影机监测进针状况取代旧设计以肉眼直接观察针尖与样品距离,大幅提升了使用上的方便性与进针时避免撞针的安全性。Instead of naked eye, we used a CCD camera to observe the distance between the tip and the sample for convenience and preventing the tip crashing in approaching process.

熔断器组合电器柜,熔管带有撞针,在短路的情况下,撞针撞击跳闸机构,实现快速开断,能有效的保护电器设备。Combination of electrical fuse cabinet , pipe fused with a firing pin, in short, the firing pin impact tripping institutions , breaking fast , effective protection of electrical equipment.

辩护的中心是实际上丹尼斯并没威胁到任何人,因为,原来那支枪上的撞针事先被卸掉了,所以那支枪根本不能用。The gist of the defense argument was that no one had actually been endangered by Dennis because, it turned out, the firing pin of his gun had been removed and the weapon couldn't be fired.