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俺们吃了年糕句号。We eat rice cakes.

五十九元句号。It's fifty-nine yuan.

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它主动提出寄信句号。He offered to ost the letter.

陈述句的末尾应该有一句号。Ross is a girl of the period.

不过你行的意思可以指靠它句号。You can count on him, though.

对不起,这些都是俺地错句号。I am sorry, all this is my fault.

它是世界上最富地人句号。He is the richest man in the world.

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也没办法画上这个句号。Have no means to draw the conclusion.

俺爱篮球,俺爱科比布莱恩句号。I love basketball, I love Kobe Byrant.

地板湿了,媳妇老婆我们那口子婆滑到了句号。The floor wet, the old lady had slipped.

和“句号型”性格一样,你也喜欢秩序性。Much like the Period type, you like order.

无形的东西不会毁灭,句号。Invisible things can't be destroyed. Period.

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讲演者直述要点句号。The speaker came to the point straight away.

恰似一江春水向东流句号。Just see the overbrimming river flowing east!

她丈夫1997年去世,为他们67年的婚姻画上了句号。His death in 1997 ended their 67-year marriage.

最后,八一跳伞队为本次预演画上了句号。The rehearsal ended with jumps by parachute teams.

让我们为“元叙事”的时代画个句号吧。Let us draw to a close this era of meta-narratives.

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卡西山上地巨石飞起了1.2米高句号。Card on the west the megalithic fly high 1.2 meters.

对布吕尼来说,获此殊荣可谓给今年的流年不利“画上了圆满的句号”。The award rounds off a turbulent year for Miss Bruni.

卡扎菲在利比亚长达42年的统治画上了句号。Muarmar Gaddafi's 42-year rule of Lybia finally ended.