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含辛茹苦取得了很好的成就,我看你最应该感谢的人是你的妻子!If I accomplished anything, I will owe them all to my wife.

母亲含辛茹苦,使孩子们受到良好的教育。By denying herself, Mother gave the children a good education.

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夜深人静时,让我们问一问自已吧,我们这样做对得起含辛茹苦的父母吗?Night when, let us ask yourself right, we do the parents could suck it up?

吉娜他们得要含辛茹苦。我们会熬过去的。我一定会确保战果。They need to suck it up. We're going to pull this off. I'll make sure of that.

妈妈,你是我今生的最爱。你含辛茹苦地把我们养大。岁月在你的脸上打下了深深的皱纹。Mother, you are the love of my life. You brought us drinking a bitter cup. Old age lined.

做铁匠的父亲,含辛茹苦地养着一个儿子。A father, who is working hardly as an ironsmith, brings up his son under the hardship of living.

家长们含辛茹苦以使他们的子女能够获得意味着更美好生活的各种教育。Parents sacrifice and "eat bitter" so their children can get educations that lead to better lives.

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太累了,这样只拖朝夕力争上游的人生,活着似乎就是为了含辛茹苦。Tired, it is not only delayed overnight strive for the best in life, seems to be alive to struggled.

今天,我要告诉你们我们的国家能够为含辛茹苦、努力抚养好子女的父亲所能给予的帮助。Today I want to talk to you about what our nation can do to help fathers as they try to raise good children.

拜登说,奥巴马出自单身家庭,他的母亲含辛茹苦地抚养奥巴马和其他子女长大。He called Sen. Obama 'the son of a single mom, a single mom who had to struggle to support her son and her kids.

她含辛茹苦地把孩子一个个拉扯大了,生活也慢慢好转起来。It took her painstaking efforts to raise her children up and the life of her family was getting better and better.

老师每天含辛茹苦地教我们,为的是使我们多获取点知识,我们不能辜负他们的期望,停足不前。The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can acquire more knowledge. We should not fail their expectations.

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在后对于小手术的麻醉方的家中,外祖母含辛茹苦,抚养子女,并在轰炸机装配线上找了份活计。Back home, my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line. Bfter the war, they studied on the G.

父母养育我们含辛茹苦几十年,不求我们回报什么,只是希望我们好好的生活,健康的生活。Parenting our parents put up with all kinds for decades, but not what our return, but I just hope our good life, healthy life.

他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的微笑。He could see that she had been patient all her life so that now after years of it her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.

债主们天天向她逼债,你很难想像她是怎样含辛茹苦把孩子带大的。The creditors were pressing her for payment of debt. You can hardly imagine how she suffered those untold hardships to bring up her children.

政府应当呼吁社会尊重女性,每个人的母亲都含辛茹苦把自己养大,尊重女性,就是尊重自己。The government should appeal to society respect female, and everyone's mother has too much to do in bring us up. Respecting female is being respected yourself.

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一个才华横溢性格叛逆的钢琴少年,一位含辛茹苦充满期盼的母亲共同演绎了一个平凡家庭的一段音乐人生。A scintillation disposition rebel's piano youth, the mother who suffered great hardships fills the hope has deducted together a ordinary family section of music life.

看着彼此相爱的韩珊和舒新,高一鸣犹疑了,韩珊为高家历尽了含辛茹苦,高一鸣不忍毁坏这个为了高家付出一切的女人的幸福。Look at the HanShan and love one another GaoYiMing hesitates a new, Schwartz, for HanShan GaoGu through all GaoYiMing wouldn't destroy the reared, GaoGu give everything for the woman's happiness.