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火花塞是由不锈钢与可丽耐绝缘子。The spark plugs are from stainless steel with a corian insulator.

这种偏移电流的典型来源是绝缘子和电缆。Typical sources of such offset currents are insulators and cables.

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为用户合理地选择电除尘器绝缘子提供了帮助。It is helpful to consumers in selecting the insulator of electric dust collector.

本实用新型涉及一种高压线路类的盘形悬式绝缘子。The utility relates to a disc type suspending insulator for high voltage circuit.

介绍了一种新型带电清扫变电站支柱绝缘子的机器人。A new robot for hot-line sweeping of post insulators in substations is introduced.

简要介绍了棒形悬式瓷绝缘子的结构特点及发展史。Briefing on design features and development of rod porcelain insulator is presented.

在恶劣的自然环境下,积污绝缘子随时可能发生闪络。Polluted insulators may flashover at any time under disadvantage weather conditions.

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绝缘子憎水性能检测是判断绝缘子抗污闪性能的重要手段。Hydrophobic measurement is an important way to evaluate the performance of insulators.

结合运行实际,对复合绝缘子及伞套材料的耐漏电起痕和耐电蚀损性进行了试验。Tracking and erosion test on insulators and shed material was made under service condition.

表明超高压线路绝缘子的绝缘在线监测是完全可行的。At last, emphasizes this method can be fit for High-Voltage Wire Insulation Testing on line.

目前,绝缘子及开关柜已远销越南、尼泊尔等国家和地区。Its insulators and switch cabinet are sold to Vietnam, Nepal, and other countries and zones.

过高的湿度会降低印制电路板和测试连接绝缘子的绝缘电阻。Excess humidity can reduce insulation resistance on PC boards and in test connection insulators.

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输电线路可靠性运行的关键是悬式绝缘子的质量。The key to safe operation of electrical transmission line is the quality of suspension insulator.

研究成果为输电线路的绝缘子改造以及外绝缘设计提供参考。It offers some help for insulator modification and external insulation design of transmission lines.

绝缘子、避雷器产品中的纤维棒准确定芯、退芯、脱模等多种功能。Accurate fiber seting core, back core, mold release and other function for insulator, arrester parts.

但是,接地线上有许多干扰,如果不消除它们,绝缘子电晕脉冲很难测到。But there are many noises in ground lines, which make it difficult to detect insulator corona pulses.

变电站支柱绝缘子的合理选型可有效防止污闪。The proper model selection of the post insulator in substation can effectively prevent the flashover.

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主要阐述带电更换各类耐张绝缘子串作业中绳索化技术的关键部分。Major parts concerning the roping technology for the change of carious strain insulators are introduced.

文章通过试验探索了合成绝缘子“不明原因”闪络的原因。Through experiments the reason of unidentified flashover of composite insulators is seeked in this paper.

雾雪天气造成电力机车车顶绝缘子闪络的问题越来越严重,已影响了电气化铁道的安全运营。The fog and snow weather damage to the safety in railway electrification operation more and more severely.