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我已经好几天不见天日了。I haven't been in the sun for days.

不见天日的一天会有多长呢?比一周长吗?。How long is a day in the dark? Or a week?

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也许没有必要交代,其实我的宣言从未见过天日。Maybe it’s needless to say that my “manifesto” never saw the light of day.

火山灰弥漫了整个天际,整整三天不见天日。For three days the sun did not break through the volcanic ash that filled the sky.

15年来,她写了四个电影剧本和一出戏剧,但是没有一个作品见到天日。In 15 years, she wrote four scripts and a play, none of which has seen the light of day.

在这个面临奔溃的国家面前,总统的这些秘密还能继续不见天日吗?Will the president's secrets remain hidden in the face of the country's possible downfall?

湖州西倚天日山脉、北濒太湖,有丰富的旅游资源。On the west Huzhou leans against the Tianmu Mountains while on the north it faces the Taihu Lake.

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日本人像摄影家野波浩的影像世界在这里骤然一片迷茫混沌不见天日。Like the Japanese photographer Nonami Gallant image in the world here is not suddenly a confused chaos Emerge.

吸烟对健康的恶劣影响暴露于天日,烟鬼们考虑自身,难免一身冷汗。Once the awful effects of smoking on health became clear, however, smokers could be harassed for their own good.

亲爱的我在等你。不见天日的一天会有多长呢?一周?火熄了,我觉得寒风刺骨。My darling, I am waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? Fire is gone now, and I'm horribly cold.

移动电话或飞机如果在这样苛刻的要求下可能会永无天日了。Mobile phones or aeroplanes might never have seen the light of day if such stringent demands had been placed on them.

很多的时候,我们会遇到难以承受的痛苦磨难,也曾感叹上苍为何如此不公,让自己灾难重重,不见天日。A lot of time, we will face an unbearable suffering hardships, why did God sighed unfair to their many disasters, Emerge.

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选择一辈子躲在不见天日的衣柜里,自怨自艾,还是要和我们在彩虹的路上,并肩同行?Will you live in the shadows of the closet feeling sorry for yourself or will you march proudly together with us under the rainbow?

下面展示的符号代表着20个天日,读法和近似翻译被看成与它们的尤坦卡名字一致。The symbols shown below represent the20day-names and are identified with their yucatec names pronunciation and approximate translation.

如果这位母亲没有这么做,这个孩子会被放在一个小屋的密封房间里,然后他会真正意义上地不见天日。If the mother doesn't actually abandon the child, the child is kept in a backroom in a shack and literally does not see the light of day.

下面展示的符号代表着20个天日,读法和近似翻译被看成与它们的尤坦卡名字一致。The symbols shown below represent the 20 day-names and are identified with their Yucatec names, pronunciation and approximate translation.

“手头紧”,她写道,“藏品通常很占地方,堆满了地下室,不见天日的艺术作品等待博物馆负责人充满艺术眼光的阐释和发掘。”“Money is tight,” she wrote, “and collections are often roomy, full of underexposed artwork awaiting the illumination of curatorial insight.”

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英国可以像其他的欧洲国家一样,只追求保护自己的国土,在北约和美国的核保护伞下遮避天日。Like some European states, Britain could limit itself to defending its national territory while sheltering under NATO and America’s nuclear umbrella.

“2006年海洋生命普查小组”远征队的队员在南极洲水域极厚的冰层之下,拍摄到了这种数千年不见天日的生物。Discovered during a 2006 Census of Marine Life expedition, this species was filmed in Antarctic waters that have been kept in darkness for thousands of years by thick ice cover.

而300宗所谓的恐怖分子审判,对美国实施恐怖主义袭击的人现在被关押在联邦监狱中,不见天日。There were 300 trials of so-called terrorists, and those who engaged in terrorist acts against the United States of America who are in federal prison and have not seen the light of day.