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需要六个月时间办理一年的营业执照。It takes six months to obtain a one-year licence.

新版营业执照库存情况。Stock situation of the new-version business license.

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林丽和她的搭档打算申请营业执照。Li Lin and her partner plan to apply for a business license.

林丽和她的搭当打算申请营业执照。Lin Li and her partners plan to apply for a business license.

Elena支持改变营业执照立法的号召。Elena supports the calls for a change in licensing legislation.

他有营业执照而且卖的是真货。It has a licence to trade and is selling genuine Apple products.

司法长官负责监督不给小商小贩发营业执照。The sheriff sees that peddlers and salesmen are not given permits.

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营业执照,消费税,门窗税,附加税!The license, the imposts , the door and window tax, the hundredths!

自行办理营业执照、税务、卫生许可证等相关证照。Business license, taxation, hygiene license and other related licenses.

营业执照不得伪造、涂改、出租、出借、转让。This license should not be faked, altered, lent, borrowed, and demised.

零售商们倚赖当地政府给予营业执照和场所去运营。Retailers depend on local government for a licence and a place to operate.

负责营业执照,组织机构代码证,税务登记证年检。In charge of business licenses, organization code, tax registration renewal.

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在一个没有营业执照的涉世不深的小孩那买汽水?Bought lemonade from an unlicensed "dealer" in the form of an innocent child?

我们没有营业执照,客人也不多了,可是租金还得照付。We have no license and not many customers, but we still have to pay the rent.

在等待营业执照的日子里,他常常躺在一棵老橡树下休息。While he waited for planning permission, he often slept under an ancient oak.

吊销营业执照或者广告经营许可证。Revocation of the business licences or the licences for advertising operation.

该公司已被关闭,并吊销了其营业执照和食品生产许可。The dairy was shut down, and its business and food production licenses revoked.

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为什么经历了这么长的时间才吊销科佩尔曼私人营业执照?。So why did it take so long to remove Stuart Copperman from his private practice?

办营业执照太麻烦了,如果真查起来,我就不干了。Too much trouble to do business licenses, if true investigation, I do not want to.

施工企业营业执照、资质证书复印件。Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise.