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她却甩开了他的手。She shook it off.

甩开这孩子!Cast off this child!

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按这种方法衡量,我们已经远远甩开了经济衰退。By this measure the recession is very much behind us.

然而一个回合中,同样的情形再次发生,泰森在搂抱中又一次咬了霍利菲尔德的左耳,这让霍利菲尔德立刻甩开双手,停止搂抱,跳到一边。During another clinch, Tyson bit Holyfield’s left ear.

我想甩开她的手,可是被她抓的牢牢的。I tried to shrug away from her, but her grasp was tight.

太好了,咱们要甩开腮帮子大吃一顿!等等,咱们没有烧烤架啊!No problem, I went to the store yesterday and got a fancy new grill.

他的成功没有捷径——就是甩开膀子努力干。There's no secret to his success – it's just sheer bloody hard work.

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达谷恩想要和顾曼进一步关系,再次被顾曼甩开。Da GuEn want and Gu Man further relationship, to be Gu Man off again.

他坐了回去,把那遮眼的长发甩开并点头,这很严肃也很深奥。He sits back, shakes his hair out of his eyes and nods. This is serious.

博伊尔当即甩开卡车的门朝那辆雪佛兰跑去。Boyle threw open the door of the truck and started running after the car.

判官摇了摇他的笔想把蜜蜂甩开,但是飞来了更多的蜜蜂。The judge waved the brush to shake them off, but more and more bees came.

2000年,中国甩开意大利,成为世界第六大经济体。In 2000, it bumped Italy to become the sixth-biggest economy in the world.

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但是,我真的好想马上把这个外套和变老的感觉甩开呀。But, sheepishly, I still want to shed the suit and its instant add-on decades.

夸里奇横扫手臂将他甩开,杰克被砸到地面上。QUARITCH flings him off with a sweep of his arm, and Jake slams to the ground.

青顺县的董书记带着伤员转移,他们甩开了追军。Dongshuji of green county with the transfer of the wounded, they take the pursuer.

临时甩开疯狗一样的三浦宪兵队,图丽娅带着突击队往山上去。Temporary off mad dog miura gendarmerie, lea with commandos to go to the mountain.

他们利用迈阿密人的粗心大意和失误在第四节一举甩开了对手。They pulled away in the fourth quarter helped by Miami's sloppy play and turnovers.

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露西·约翰逊喜欢开着自己的车跑在特工前头,试图在车流中甩开他们。Luci Johnson liked to race ahead of agents in her car, trying to lose them in traffic.

中国队在前半场于美国队保持尚可的比分接近,但是美国队以101比70甩开了中国。China kept it reasonably close through half time but Team USA pulled away , winning 101-70.

我几乎从来不会甩开资产负债表而单独地看损益表。I almost never look at a profit and loss statement without also looking at a balance sheet.