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口蘑是一种较好的减肥美容食品。Tricholoma beauty is a good diet food.

鸡蛋,培根肉,奶酪,洋葱,青椒,口蘑。Eggs, bacon, cheese, onion, green pepper, and mushroom.

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这家小店有一道用口蘑炖的汤,味道很鲜美!The stewed mushroom soup in this restaurant is very delicious.

香口蘑是河北坝上地区近年来驯化栽培成功的新品种。Agaricas brunnelens is the new breed developed in Hebei Bashang region.

口蘑真菌门、担子菌纲、口蘑科、口蘑属。Tricholoma fungus door, Basidiomycetes, Tricholomataceae, Tricholoma case.

精选的牛肉、牛肉丸、口蘑、新鲜蔬菜、米粉。Premium selection of beef, beef balls, mushrooms, fresh morning glory, vermicelli.

应用DALP技术对云南野生大白口蘑遗传多样性进行分析。Genetic diversity of Tricholoma giganteum in Yunnan was determined by using DALP analysis.

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本研究以蒙古口蘑为原料,制取多肽。The research mainly investigated preparative technique of polypeptide from Tricholomamongolicum.

用菜籽皮作培养料进行了巨大口蘑的栽培对比试验。Experiment of culturing Tricholoma giganteum by using rapeseed coat as culture material was carried out.

本文初步探讨了稀土培养基对蒙古口蘑以及四种菌根真菌菌丝体生长的影响。The paper investigated the effect of rare earth element on the mycelium growth of Tricholoma mongolicum Imai and different mycorrhizal fungi.

该方法简单快速,灵敏度高,可作为药用真菌巨大口蘑中微量砷的测定方法。The method is simple, rapid and with high sensitivity, and can be applied for the determination of trace amounts arsenic in Tricholoma giganteum.

将海参、干贝、口蘑、冬菇、肥瘦肉、南荠、火腿等切成小丁,连同虾仁一起放进开水锅中汞后,加各种佐料后腌渍。Dice sea cucumber, dried scallop, mushroom, fat, thin meat, water chestnut and ham, put together with shrimp meat in the pot and quick-boiled, adding kinds of fillings and salted.

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分析比较了巨大口蘑野生与栽培子实体中的矿质元素、氨基酸、粗蛋白、多糖、甘露醇、脂肪、灰分和粗纤维含量。The contents of mineral elements, amino acids, crude protein, polysaccharide, fat, ash and crude fiber in the wild and cultured fruiting bodies of Tricholoma giganteum were analyzed and compared.

以蒙古口蘑为原料,经过超临界CO2流体萃取纯化及可控有限改性挤出处理后,酶解制取蒙古口蘑多肽。Tricholoma mongolicum was used as material to prepare polypeptide, and the material was processed through supercritical CO2 fluid extraction and extrusion technology before enzymatic degradation.

摘要对蒙古口蘑的驯化栽培、生理、蘑菇圈生态、药理学研究及功能性食品开发等方面进行了综述。This review summarizes researches on tricholoma mongolicum. mainly concerns domestication and cultivation, psychology, fairy ring ecology, pharmacological research and functional food development.