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除了预防,糖尿病也能逆转。And we can go beyond prevention.

家庭价值是否发生了“U”型逆转?Did “family values” take a U-turn?

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单靠BBC一家无法逆转这种腐败之势。The BBC can't reverse the rot alone.

可是大势已定,不成逆转。But the tide is unlikely to turn back.

这个过程可以逆转,没问题。I expand it, and reverse it, no problem.

我们已经全部被骗到尽头和不事逆转。We've all been scammed to hell and back.

逆转记忆效应、苏活唇部肌肤。Reverse memory effect, activate lip skin.

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宇宙过于杂乱无章,时间无法逆转?Universe Too Jumbled for Time to Reverse?

中国股市惊天逆转。Chinese Stock market startled day reversal.

让雨洒下来,他必须如此,不克逆转。Let the rain come down, as it must and will.

核苷逆转录酶抑制剂和非核苷逆转录酶抑制剂在大部分国家都有。NRTIs and NNRTIs are available in most countries.

冤仇和清高可以逆转无知和贪心?。Can hate and arrogance reverse ignorance and greed?

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是什么使感情基调逆转,具体是什么What's turned all of this around, what specifically?

未成熟畸胎瘤的恶性程度可逆转。Malignant degree of immature teratoma can be reverse.

林丹惊天逆转夺得冠军。Lin Dan won the championship in a stunning turnaround.

就业人群年龄结构的逆转初现于去年。The age reversal emerged for the first time last year.

假设市场将在你满仓入场后一分钟逆转了。Assumethe market will reverse the minute you get filled.

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近来,这种趋势有了一个令人欢迎的逆转。Recently there has been a welcome reversal of this trend.

众所周知,抗氧化剂可以逆转衰老、预防癌症。Anti-oxidants are knwon to reverse ageing, prevent cancer.

我当时想9-5的比分要逆转的话如同爬山一样困难但我从未放弃。I thought 9-5 was a mountain to climb but I never gave up.