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人类还要在装饰面前奴颜婢膝。Humanity is still to groan under the slavery of ornament.

奴颜婢膝的附庸则很快就会导致外来日益增加的种种压力。A subservient client would soon face an accumulation of ever-growing pressures.

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一位保守党人士在其博客上说,奥巴马先生是奴颜婢膝的首领。Obama is "the groveller in chief", says Michelle Malkin, a conservative blogger.

你最不能容忍的缺点是什么?----奴颜婢膝。What weakness is it that you can never tolerate?---Sycophancy and servile flattery.

但得明了,无做到在奴颜婢膝的同时又能出自我。Spend as little time on the means as possible consistent with achieving the end. Only idiots live to work.

孤独者是高尚的,不会随波逐流,不会奴颜婢膝地去媚势。The standing alone is classic, will not trend blindly, will not go to power obsequious servile behaviorly.

世界的其他地方正逐渐摆脱对君主制的崇拜,和对贵族荣誉的奴颜婢膝。The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond "idolatry to monarchs" and " servility to aristocratic pride".

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反共顽固派对外奴颜婢膝,投降妥协,对内搞封建主义。They are subservient to foreign countries, compromising with them and surrendering to them, and practise feudalism at home.

一个男子汉奴颜婢膝地讨好女人是违反自然的,女人与自然几乎有完全相同的反应!Behave, then, like a man! It is against Nature for a man to grovel. Women and Nature have almost exactly the same reactions!

陈水扁嘲讽了在他看来马英九对北京方面奴颜婢膝的表现,这位国民党领导人去年上台。He mocks what he sees as kowtowing to Beijing by Ma Ying-jeou, leader of the Kuomintang party, which regained office last year.

日本在南极洲附近的澳大利亚领海上从事非法捕鲸活动,但澳大利亚却对日本奉行奴颜婢膝政策,简直是奇耻大辱。Australia's policy ofkowtowing to Japan on the issue of illegal whaling in Australian watersoff Antarctica has been an absolute disgrace.

如果说有时他们似乎对任何质疑他们行为的人充满愤怒,呃,那是奴仆被人指责奴颜婢膝时的通常反应。And if they sometimes seem consumed with rage at anyone who challenges their actions, well, that's how hacks always respond when called on their hackery.