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我熟视无睹地拿余光一扫而过。I turned out to get a scan.

他们对使用暴力熟视无睹。They turned a blind eye to the use of violence.

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我们不能对不良社会行为熟视无睹。We can't turn a blind eye to anti-social behaviour.

我们对坏人坏事决不能熟视无睹。We cannot close our eyes to evildoers and evil deeds.

经常一起说说这些,不要熟视无睹。Talk about them often together in a non-intimidating way.

它能使我们欣赏平常熟视无睹的东西。It makes us appreciate things we normally take for granted.

一头赞比西河河马对搭便车的小鸟熟视无睹。All ears and eyes, a Zambezi River hippo ignores a hitchhiker.

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布朗·本对此熟视无睹但是有一天我们会给自己找到个真正的武器师傅。Brown Ben lets it go, but one day we'll get us a real armorer.

毕竟,谁又能对一群长相俊美、嗓音动听的帅哥熟视无睹呢?Who could ignore the groups of good-looking guys with good voices, though?

直至今日,人们还在对许多种果蝇和黄蜂翅膀上时刻变幻的彩虹色熟视无睹。Until now, the wing colors of many flies and wasps were dismissed as random iridescence.

人们往往来去匆匆奔流于眼前的利益,而对身边的变化熟视无睹。People usually are busy of short-term benefit, but turn a blind eye to around transformation.

我们熟视无睹的最基本生活需求,比如说清洁水、电对这些人而言都是不可及的。For them, the most basic things we take for granted, such as water and electricity, are beyond reach.

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你对家人已经习以为常以至于你忽略了他们对你的需求,也对家人给你的爱熟视无睹。You get so used to having a family that you don’t notice the magic of being needed and loved anymore.

有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来,会有更大的收获。We can find some pure english usage ignored by us when studying english text, we can have more harvest.

“你的袖子太短了,”她吼道,并且对附近其他人脸上的厌恶表情熟视无睹。"Your sleeves are too short, " she barked, indifferent to the disgusted looks of other families nearby.

但狗对人类愚蠢行为的一概熟视无睹逐渐吸引了他的注意。But the dog's insistent ignorance of all things connected withhuman stupidity gradually drew his attention.

为什么这么多的网民对如此多的警告熟视无睹,用选用简单容易猜到的密码呢?Why do so many people continue to choose easy-to-guess passwords, despite so many warnings about the risks?

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但是,即便西方接受了外交格局已经改变的事实,我们依旧我行我素,对外部世界的改变熟视无睹。While the West accepts the diplomatic furniture has been re-arranged, we still act as if the world outside has not.

我们熟视无睹的最基本生活需求,比如说水,在中国一些地区都是人们不可及的。Sometimes even the most basic things that we take for granted, like water, are beyond the reach of some Chinese people.

与绝大多数西方人不同,他们心理上存有阴影,这会令他们对目前发生的一切熟视无睹。There's a psychological component here, unlike with most people in the West, which has inured them to what's happening now.