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胜负全在你手上。It's in you hands.

那两队不分胜负。The two teams tied.

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胜负还未分出。This could go either way.

那场比赛最后不分胜负。The match ended in a draw.

这是一场胜负难测的战争。This is a doubtful battle.

她和对手不分胜负。She tied with her competitor.

赛跑前,胜负的可能性变得接近了。The odds evened before the race.

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最可能的结果是不分胜负。The most likely result is a draw.

那是一场不分胜负的战争。It was a neck-to-neck competition.

他胜负的可能性各占一半。He stands an even chance of winning.

胜负到那胖女郎唱的那一刻才见分晓!…It's not over till the fat lady sings!

孩子们下了一盘国际象棋,不分胜负。The boys played a drawn game of chess.

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我要和你辩论,一决胜负。I'll break a lance with you in argument.

裁判员宣布比赛不分胜负。The referee declared the game to be a tie.

今年我们有几次比赛不分胜负。We've had several drawn matches this year.

咱们就以这场球赛的胜负来赌东道。Let's bet on the final result of the match.

战争胜负难以预卜。The outcome of the war is hard to foretell.

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投票显示,自民党在东京面临着难分胜负的竞赛。Polls show the party faces a close race in Tokyo.

我们从没想到过要和任何人一决胜负。We never planned to have a showdown with anybody.

这将成为他们世仇最终的胜负。It would be the ultimate tiebreaker in their feud.