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有时候搞的头破血流,管他呢!Sometimes make of head, tube he!

莫妮卡和罗斯为家族的“盖勒杯”争得头破血流。Monica and Ross compete for the "Geller Cup."

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但这一类企业家在现实生活中却常常碰得头破血流。While this type of entrepreneurs often failed in reality.

天恒打升海至头破血流,被警方控告。Heng beat up sea to be charged with head broken and bleeding.

放手让孩子玩,摸爬滚打,不头破血流就可以。Let children play as they will unless they break their heads.

许多人为此碰得头破血流都无济于事。Many artificial this touches the head break bloods all useless.

歹徒们抢走了史密斯先生的钱夹子,还把他打得头破血流。The scoundrels robbed Mr Smith of his wallet and beat his head in.

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“把人砸得头破血流还这么高兴。”我佯装骂她。"Hit human the head wreck a blood still so elated. "I pretend to scold her.

就在他犹豫的瞬间,郑斌突然被一个酒瓶砸中,头破血流。At the moment he hesitated, Zheng Bin suddenly hit by a bottle, badly beaten.

因而也是一种要在克拉克·克尔的永恒真理的岩石上撞得头破血流的尝试。And thus as an attempt that came to grief on the rocks of clark kerr's eternal verities.

最好饿死中国龙,与其打得头破血流,还不如迫使其屈服。Better to starve the dragon and force it to capitulate than to fight it head on and lose.

为什么会为一个不能相守在一起的人而愿意为此碰得头破血流?Why not spend one of the people together and is willing to bump their heads against a wall?

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难以想象这届充斥着不惜打得头破血流的急功近利者的国会会做出任何大胆的举动。It's hard to imagine anything bold from this Congress of head-butting pro-wrestler wannabes.

吵到最后它们打了起来,九个头互相啄得头破血流,羽毛乱飞。The quarrel led to a fight, with the nine heads pecking each other. Feathers scatted everywhere.

奥巴马团队先前对该地区充满信心,这种理想主义很快就被坚如磐石的现实撞得头破血流。The ambitious regional idealism of the Obama team's early days soon shattered against rock-hard realities.

外面的世界好多事情都把你打得头破血流,你没必要因为这个而敌视所有人。There's a whole world out there to beat you up plenty, you don't need to go looking for people to pile on.

两人赶到医院外,见到小偷正被黑社会围殴,头破血流的小偷向徐大荣求救。Two people rushed to the hospital, see the thief is gangdom WeiOu, head of the thief to Xu Darong for help.

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即使在泡沫破灭时期和其他所有技术公司争个头破血流的时候,Jim一直交付着令人满意的成果。Even after the bubble burst and every other technology company took a blood-bath, Jim kept delivering results.

这样说吧,在认识瓦妮莎之前,我只有像妈妈的朋友那样的朋友,为了最好的玩偶、最好的衣服而争得头破血流的人。Let's just say, before Vanessa, I had only friends like Mama's, who fought for the best doll and the best dress.

摆在眼前的财物,他们不会跟人争的头破血流,可是送到手中的利益,他们也不会自命清高,辞而不受。They don't scramble for the present wealth, but they will not pretend to be lofty to refuse the interest in hand.