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是谁提出举行这次会晤的?Who called for the meeting?

我很想会晤布郎先生。I would like to meet Mr. Brow.

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我们在预定的时间会晤。We met at the predetermined time.

这些会晤取得了哪些结果?What are the results of the meetings?

你能安排一次与总理的会晤吗?Can you arrange a meeting with the premier?

胡锦涛青睐白宫会晤的庄重感。Hu preferred the decorum of the White House.

我们希望能够继续工作,对我们的会晤车!We want to get to work on our meeting rook !

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要是我在天国和你会晤,你还会记得我的名字吗?。Would you know my name if Isaw you in heaven?

我们此时在伦敦的会晤正值一个转折点。Well, we meet now in London at a turning point.

我与胡主席已经有多次会晤。I have had several meetings now with President Hu.

因此,直到今天早上,我才确知可以举行会晤。So I wasn’t really sure until earlier this morning.

2009年,胡锦涛主席同卡里莫夫总统两次会晤。President Hu met with President Karimov twice in 2009.

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今天,总统一般在三种场合会晤记者。Today, presidents meet with reporters in three venues.

我想把和奥尔逊先生的会晤安排在星期天。I'll arrange for an interview with Mr. Olsen on sunday.

弗洛伦蒂诺-佩雷斯与马洛塔在马德里会晤。Meeting in Madrid between Florentino Perez and Marotta.

会晤发表了联合新闻公报。A joint press communiqué was released after the meeting.

两国元首期待着今年再次举行会晤。Both Presidents look forward to meeting again this year.

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按计划,唐傢璇星期五晚些时候将会晤尼泊尔国王贾南德拉。He is scheduled to meet with King Gyanendra later today.

会晤前,温家宝为普京举行欢迎仪式。Before the talks, Wen hosted a welcome ceremony for Putin.

他们将在星期四继续与中国官员的会晤。They are to meet again with Chinese officials on Thursday.