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对于瑜伽修炼者,一切都是天赐之福。To the Yogi everything is bliss.

无上瑜伽的修炼是无穷无尽的。Practice of kundalini yoga is endless.

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这里的和尚修炼的是禅宗佛教。The monks here practise Seon, or Zen Buddhism.

但是,我不打算再修炼成仙。But I've decided not to be a immortal any more.

妻本是峨嵋山苦苦修炼一蛇仙。I'm actually a snake spirit from Emei Mountain.

无上瑜伽的修炼也正是如此。Practice of Kundalini yoga is the same as this.

想要真正获得别人的好感,修炼内心很重要。The true love is the love sparkles from inner hearts.

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在中国神话里,太上老君专职修炼仙丹。In Chinese Mythology, Laojun was in charge of alchemy.

设计竞赛是自我修炼的一些形式,红警1中文版下载。Design competitions are about some form of self-improvement.

在超市,我逐渐修炼成了一名真正食物的忍者神龟。I was slowly becoming a real food ninja in the super market.

保罗说我们应当把自己修炼得更加虔诚。Paul says we are to discipline our selves towards godliness.

觉者自然地拥有美德。不觉者需要修炼美德。The awakened one has virtue. The unawakened practice virtue.

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在密宗修炼中,孔雀并非骄傲的象征。In the Vajrayana practice, the peacock doesn't represent pride.

时间,在七焰的修炼中悄然划过。Time noiselessly once rowed in the self-discipline of seven Yans.

虽然在修炼上各有侧重,但其宗旨是一致的。"Long- living & long- staring " is the same aim for every refiner.

榔梅祠与真武大帝修炼的传说有着密切的联系。Temple of the Great practicing Zhenwu and the legends are closely linked.

喜马拉雅国际瑜伽的意义得到瑜伽修炼中心较高的地方。The Yoga Centres of Rishikesh have enhanced the significance of the place.

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圣吉博士在书中描述了对于学习型组织的至关重要的五项修炼。Senge describes fie "disciplines" that are ital for a learning organization.

静,是一种修炼,是人生的悟语,是一种智慧的清明。Still, it is a kind of practice, is life of language, is a clear and wisdom.

为此,其不惜肉身,修炼鬼谷派的禁忌秘术,实力已是深不可测。Therefore, the flesh at uniting the taboo guiguzi defiler, strength is deep.