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这个人幸存了This person survived.

这个人幸存了。This person survived.

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我们需要空气幸存。We need air to survive.

我能幸存于一死吗Could I survive my death?

在我死后我能幸存吗?Could I survive my death?

死后我能否幸存"Could I survive my death?"

劳拉幸存下来了,但却体无完肤。Laura survived, but barely.

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在探讨"我是否能够幸存"之前Before we ask, "Do I survive?"

于死亡,其他人幸存。Yu died but the others survived.

是否能够在我死后幸存Does it survive the death of my body?

一名工人因幸存下来而为人所知。One worker is known to have survived.

我们是幸存下来地少数人类。We are the last survivals of humanity.

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但是那些幸存下来的就顶天立地了。But those that do survive are wondrous.

历经此劫,赫特人却幸存下来。But through all this, the Hutts survived.

现在唯一幸存下来的资产就是其网址。The only asset that survived was its URL.

只有驾着奋斗之舟,我才能在生活的苦海中幸存。Can I survive the sea of troubles of life.

他在动乱的波雅尔世界幸存了下来He emerges from the violent world of Boyars.

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夫妻二人虽然幸存了,但Jabo失去了他的一条腿。They survived the blast, but Jabo lost his leg.

比一般的地牢探索者幸存得更久。Survive longer than your average dungeon delver.

现在,只有退化的阿伊努族群还幸存下来。Today, only vestigialcommunities of Ainu survive.