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庄妃是历史名人,而且是科尔沁左翼中旗人。Zhuang concubine is a famous person of history.

在这种变迁过程中,驻防旗人也深深地融入当地社会。During these transitions, people of Baqi garrison community had melted into the local society.

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此外,还有水点心等叫法,清代北京旗人还把饺子称作“煮饽饽”。Some also call it water dim sum. In the Qing Dynasty, Manchus in Beijing called dumplings "boiled cake".

清朝是以满族为统治的政权机构,当时旗人的风俗习惯影响着广大的中原地区。Manchu Qing dynasty to rule on the regime, then the customs Bannermen broad impact in the central region.

据记载,中国式的最初浙江旗人,他的父亲姓朱,母亲是妄。It is recorded that Chinese-style was originally Zhejiang bannermen, his father surnamed Chu, mother is a concubine.

传统观念中驻防旗人与当地人民之间不通婚的概念是不准确的。The traditional idea about the relationships between the people of Baqi garrison and the local people is not correct and exact.

岔曲是北京曲艺的一种,相传起于清朝初期,盛于乾隆年间,由京师旗人中盛行的戏曲高腔脆白发展而成。Chaqu was one of Beijing folk art forms, which was said to begin in early Qing Dynasty and got its thrive during Qianlong period.

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希腊人是世界各民族艺术和科学的举旗人,就如犹太人是正义的举旗人一样。Greece was the lifter-up to the nations of the banner of art and science, as Israel was the lifter-up of the banner of righteousness.

他早、中期的作品中,许多主人会是“隐蔽的”旗人,被文学史研究者称之为“隐式满族文学”。In his former works, many protagonists are "hidden" banner people that were called "hidden Manchus literature" by same 1iteratm researchers.

再说,曹雪芹作为清代旗人作家,作品里带入了丰富多彩的满族饮食文化与满族语言特色。Moreover, as the Qing Dynasty Manchu writer , Cao Xueqin writings into a variety of food culture and the Manchu language Manchu characteristics.

清朝是以满族为统治的政权机构,当时旗人的风俗习惯影响着广大的中原地区。The Manchu Dynasty takes full clan as ruling political power organization, the customs and habits of Manchu influenced large China region at that time.

非常欢迎你们来北京观光游览,我是一个正宗的、土生土长的老北京人,我的外祖母家原来就是旗人。Welcome you to Beijing sightseeing tour, I am a genuine, old native of Beijing, my grandmother was the original home of Chinese emperors and relatives.

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第四章根据以上三章的叙述,分析“选秀女”制度对旗人社会的影响。Chapter Four, with the help of the statements in the three chapters above, analyzes the influences of the Xiunv-Selection Institution upon the Manchu society.

同样假说能够解释直隶谷物市场,在那里,宫廷、旗人和军事力量的干预也非常普遍。The same hypothesis could be advanced with respect to grain markets in Zhili, where the presence of the Imperial court, bannermen, and the military was so pervasive.

同样假说能够解释直隶谷物市场,在那里,宫廷、旗人和军事力量的干预也非常普遍。The same hypothesis could be advanced with respect to grain markets in Zhili, where the presence of the Imperial court, bannermen , and the military was so pervasive.

清政府对驻防八旗与当地人民采取了一系列的隔离措施,其目的主要是防止驻防旗人成为当地土著居民。The Qing Government took a series of separating measures between the Eight Banners in garrison and local people to prevent the Eight Banners becoming local aboriginals.

乌拉街镇的“后府”,是典型的东北地区官宦旗人住宅,是北方满族居住文化的缩影。Houfu, located in Wula Street town, is a typical house in which Manchu officials in northeastern China ever lived, reflecting the characteristics of privately owned Manchu houses.

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驻防旗人由客民转变为土著居民,不能等同于民族融合,但它标志着民族关系发展的一个阶段。The changing of the Eight Banners in garrison from residing as visitors to aboriginals was not identical with the national merge, but it signed a period of the national relation development.