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“杜洛埃先生在家吗?”赫斯渥和悦地说。"Is Mr. Drouet in?" said Hurstwood blandly.

孙中山视察过后,回到和悦洲。After Sun Yat-sen visited back and Yuet Chau.

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他和悦的态度替他赢得很多朋友。The amenity of his manners won him many friends.

说话的时候,她一直保持和悦的表情,一直在微笑。When she speaks, she remains pleasant-faced and smiling.

听到鸟儿和悦的歌声,人们也很快活。It also made the people happy to hear the friendly birds singing.

那天晚上,当她走进戏院时,经理极其和悦地招呼她。That evening when she entered the theatre the manager had a most pleasant greeting for her.

我之所以能和悦榕一起风雨同舟15载,我觉得和悦榕融洽温馨的工作氛围分不开。I think it is Banyan Tree's sweet and intimate atmosphere that has kept me here for 15 years.

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保证动力的同时,和悦使用的发动机还采用了联合电子的电喷技术。Ensure that power at the same time, we use the engine also adopted the united electronics of ems.

这种影响存在于影像本身、其形、其韵、其和谐和悦感中。The impact is in the image itself, the shape, the rhythm, the harmony and the pleasantness of the image.

在生活工作中能带来意想不到的快乐和安全感,让来宾感到和悦气氛,真是物所超值。In the life can bring unexpected work of happiness and security, let guest feel yue atmosphere. Is the value.

物理的身体满是不洁的体液和物质,可是我们却把它作为纯洁和悦人事物而溺于其中。The physical body is full of impure liquids and substances but we dote on it as something pure and desirable.

在生活工作中能带来意想不到的快乐和安全感,让来宾感到和悦气氛。In the life and work can bring unexpected joy and a sense of security, so that guests feel and Yue atmosphere.

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要爱人如基督爱人一样,含义即使要时时随处藉着慈善的说话与和悦的面色,体现不自私的心意。To love as Christ loved means to manifest unselfishness at all times and in all places, by kind words and pleasant looks.

不论家庭关系是和悦、恶劣或是冷漠,我们的父母和兄弟姐妹教会我们爱是什么,告诉我们当我们走出家庭,进入社会之后应该寻找什么。Good bad or indifferent the family relationships, with parents and siblings, teach us what love is, and what to look for when we go out into the world.

再看单身汉回寓所的情景,他刚在温暖舒适的乡下住宅度过了欢快的圣诞节,那里到处是和悦的笑脸,亲切的问候,依依惜别的深情。Then there is the bachelor's return to chambers, after a merry christmas holiday, spent in a cosy country-house, full of pretty faces, and kind welcomes and regrets.

安妮发现,史密斯夫人就像她先前大胆期待的那样,富有理智,举止和悦,而她那健谈、乐天的性情却出乎她的意料。Anne found in Mrs Smith the good sense and agreeable manners which she had almost ventured to depend on, and a disposition to converse and be cheerful beyond her expectation.

时刻保持装束整洁、态度和悦,以最礼貌的方式迎接来店客人,并随时为其提供协助。At all times well groomed, have a pleasant disposition, greet guests with the most hospitable attitude upon arrival at the hotel, and willing to offer assistance at all times.

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前台、礼宾部、商务中心和悦榕俱乐部由前厅部经理负责。客房和洗衣房由客房部行政管家负责。Front Office, Concierge, Business Centre and Banyan Tree Club are headed by the Front Office Manager. Housekeeping and Laundry are the responsibilities of the Executive Housekeeper.