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可是我该如何把我的产品放入那些商场超市杂货铺呢?But getting the stuff into stores?

上个月他开了一爿杂货铺。He opened a grocery store last month.

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可是他们人人都欠杂货铺老板的债!And they are all in debt to the grocer!

他是一家杂货铺的店东。He's the proprietor of a grocery store.

如今,杂货铺里都不怎么卖猪肉罐头了。Nowadays, you can not easily find spam in a grocery.

“佩里科在杂货铺里给我的,”他说明说。Perico gave it to me at the bodega, " he explained."

你们认为我可以回到家来经营杂货铺?And you think I can just come home and run the bodega ?

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路对面有家杂货铺,也许你能在那里买到果汁。There is a grocery store over the road maybe you can find the juice there.

我拉着他来到鲍尔森杂货铺的橱窗边,“看到那个了吗?”I pulled him over to the window of Poulson's Variety Store. "You see those?"

你可以想象没有地图的情况下开车或在没有标签的杂货铺里购物有多么困难。Imagine driving without a map, or the grocery store with no aisle indicators.

我父亲是在北犀尔咨开杂货铺的,就是心肠太软。And my father had a grocer's shop in North Shields, only he was too kind-hearted.

女孩子们都喜欢到这个拥有很多古灵精怪小物件的杂货铺里掏换点玩意儿。The girls like this having in the ancient spirit demon small thing general store to dig up a gadget.

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所以无论自己拥有的是大公司还是杂货铺,家长们都希望子女能够继承自己的生意。So parents want children to take over their businesses, whether it's a big company or a household store.

我在森金村开了家杂货铺。喔,天呐,我应该准备十倍的手绢库存的!!!I ran a drugstore in the Sen'Jin Village. Oh, my God! I should have prepared ten times of handkerchief! ! !

与别人合作做一个杂货铺表,你最喜欢的饭店表,或是做一个会议的公布要点记录。Collaborate on a grocery list, recommend your favorite restaurants, or pass along bullet points for a meeting.

除了Sundia是美国大大小小的杂货铺的供货商以为,该公司基本上已经完全国际化。While Sundia remains a staple source for U.S. grocers, the company's backbone is nearly entirely international.

这个受挫的顾客回到家里把狗套到皮带上一路牵着回到杂货铺。Back home went the frustrated customer to get his dog and pulled it on it's leash all the way back to the store.

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妈妈,我去了杂货铺买了你买已经买的所有东西,现在我要怎么处理这些东西。"Mom, I went to the grocery store, and I bought everything you buy," her daughter said. "Now what do I do with it?"

上世纪60年代,苏联各个杂货铺和餐馆里都有自动苏打水售货机。By the 1960s, the communal, automatic soda fountain was a ubiquitous presence in Soviet grocery stories and eateries.

他爱上了个一模一样的收银员,19岁,很漂亮,在名古屋附近一个小镇上的杂货铺工作。He had fallen in love with the very girl, 19, beautiful, a cashier in the convenience store in a small town near Nagoya.