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我也参加了他们的结婚大典。I was at their wedding too.

没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。However, it is now used in my coronation.

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王室的婚丧大典也常在这里举行。Royal wedding ceremony is often held here.

歌星王菲参加了安奉大典。Chinese singer Faye Wong participated in the ceremony.

昨天,我参加了在北京举行的祭孔大典。I attended a birthday party in Beijing yesterday for Confucius.

王府办公室亦公布了婚礼大典之后,英国皇家空军进行的飞行表演的具体时间。It also gave details of the planned flypasts after the wedding.

第二天举行射猎大典,祭山神。Shooters ceremony to be held the next day, the Mountain Festival.

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我能参加开国大典那真是十分荣幸。It is my pleasure to attend the Ceremony of the founding of the PRC.

他为国庆大典写了激情澎湃的颂辞。He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the National Day.

他为国庆大典写了激情澎湃的颂辞。He wrote an exciting eulogy for the celebrations on the Double Tenth Day.

离册封大典还有两天,我怕我绣不好。The coronation is only two days away. I fear this will not be ready in time.

工人们直到完成了国庆60年大典的所有准备工作才离开。The workers they finished all the work of china is 60 th national celebration.

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主教出席教皇本笃十六世主持的弥撒大典,都灵圣卡洛广场,意大利。Bishops attend a mass held by Pope Benedict XVI at San Carlo's Square in Turin, Italy.

可能会有比往年更多的人参加这次国庆大典。There are going to be more persons at the celebration of National Day than ever before.

我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。为什么你表演的时候要戴面具?I hope that you will do better at my coronation. Why do you wear a mask when you perform?

传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month.

孙中山奉安大典是现代仪式政治的典型案例。SUN Yat- sen's Grand Funeral in 1929 was a representative of ritual politics in modern China.

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1993年以来,省政府还先后在炎帝陵成功举办了7次公祭大典。And the provincial government has held 7 grand public memorial ceremonies successfully since 1993.

免费参与由香港海洋公园学院举办之「海洋奇趣大典」或「环保海鲜」课程。Free course "Ocean Treasures" or "Sustainable Seafood" provided by Ocean Park Academy – Hong Kong.

祭水大典的举办,拉开了2016年湖南猛洞河第三届国际漂流月的序幕。The water sacrifice ceremony raises the curtain of 2016 3nd Hunan Mengdong River International Rafting Month.