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旅馆里的床亦名目繁多。Beds also go by different names.

名目繁多不胜枚举。The names of items are too numerous to enumerate.

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在巴黎,名目繁多酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友好机会。In Paris, numerous reception, buffet is a good opportunity to make friends.

这些钱用于修建公路、高铁和名目繁多的培训项目。That is paying for new roads, faster railways and lavish training programmes.

全国政协委员王超斌认为,名目繁多的收费项目在一定程度上拉升了房价,也导致了部分部门的腐败。Wang Chaobin, a CPPCC member said the multifarious charges have pushed prices high and led to graft.

但是在韩国国内,崔成奉只不过是一个被埋没在名目繁多的电视选秀节目中的沧海一粟而已。In South Korea, Mr Choi has been treated as just one more hard-luck contestant on one of many TV talent shows.

新疆的水果品种多的枚不胜举,那名目繁多的水果,足使你垂涎三尺。Xinjiang fruit variety of gold legion, that a multitude of names of fruits, enough to make you drool with envy.

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在萨满名目繁多的宗教治疗仪式中,萨满法器均有其特定的象征意义与功能。In various kinds of treatment ceremony, the worship implement of Shamanism have their certain significance and fu.

亚麻粘贴画,目前市场上有名目繁多的粘贴画,主要是进行室内装饰。The utility model relates to a flax paste picture, while prior paste picture is mainly used for interior decoration.

在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会,冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。In paris , various kinds of cocktail party and buffet provide people with a good chance to make friends with each other.

各种税费名目繁多,份额过重,使这类商品房的可流通性几乎被阉割了。Various taxes and fees shops, excessive share for the negotiability of such commercial housing almost being emasculated.

但事实上,也许口号和名目繁多的活动,有时比不上一个小小的细节给老人带来的温暖。But in fact, perhaps the slogan and the numerous activities, and sometimes a little less detail to the elderly with To the warmth.

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在这样一个时代,世界每个角落的人都开始注意到,信仰不仅名目繁多、种类各异,其方式也各不相同。It is what inevitably happens as people everywhere begin to see that there are many beliefs, many kinds of belief, many ways of believing.

这些剧种虽然名目繁多,但它们形成的时间,大致都在清代中期至清代末年的这一阶段。These operas while a multitude of names, but their formation time, roughly in the middle of Qing Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty in this stage.

同一变电站中的GIS包含着多种设备,需要监测记录的信息名目繁多,处理工作量大。GIS consists of different equipments in a substation, therefore, GIS condition monitoring includes different items, and needs a heavy workload.

阿格沃对我们说,“苹果公司是完全依靠工程师运行的,那里不存在名目繁多的产品管理条例,大部分项目团队的规模非常小,团队的督促运行都是由工程师们完成的”。"They don’t have a lot of product management, " he says. "Most of the project teams are really small, and they’re all driven by the engineers."

所以,又出台一系列管理办法和名目繁多的福利保险革新,包括高额扣除保健计划和健康储蓄帐户。So, along came managed care, as well as a jumble of other cost-tamping innovations, including high-deductible plans and health-savings accounts.

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在巴黎,名目繁多的酒会、冷餐会是广交朋友的好机会。In Paris, all the wine parties and buffet receptions held on various occasions provide optimum opportunities to make friends with all varieties of people.

可以说目前对商品房价格影响最大且最不规范的是各类名目繁多的收费、摊派。It can be said that the current prices of commercial housing for the greatest impact and most types of shops are not regulated charges, and apportionments.

通常,由于不可控制的复杂性和成本超支,政府会在名目繁多的IT计划上浪费数亿美元纳税人的辛苦钱。Quite often, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars get wasted in the government’s mega IT initiatives due to uncontrollable complexity and cost overruns.