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这就是我的态度。That’s my attitude.

他是个态度傲慢的人。He is a man of mien.

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即,蛋逼是种人生态度。Danbi is an attitude.

他态度生硬。He is stiff in manner.

我们的态度是明确的。Our attitude is clear.

原谅她的坏态度。Excuse her bad manners.

他态度生硬地看了我一眼。He gave mea gruff look.

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他的态度令我厌烦。His manner irritates me.

不过他通常是在最后才表明态度。That was always the end.

有态度的原宿!A Harajuku with attitude!

它应该持开放态度。It should be open-minded.

这是什麽态度?安静!别吵!What's with the attitude?

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你的态度让我很不爽。But your attitude irks me.

她的态度是轻率的。Her attitude was reckless.

你的态度使我厌恶。Your attitude disgusts me.

他抱着一种非他莫属的态度。He has a possessive manner.

我没有什么鲜明的态度I don't have a strong view.

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态度软化。One's attitude has softened.

奥利安娜也是这个态度。Arianna also had an attitude.

话说主任说我态度要改一改…Yes, It's a attitude problem.