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贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill.

威尔伯不在意,继续朝泔水桶走去。Wilbur didn't care. He kept walking toward the pail of slops.

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豆腐下锅前,可先放在开水里浸渍一刻钟,这样可清除泔水味。Soak beancurd in the hot water for one minute to remove its smell.

因此,一杯清爽适口又芬芳的麦芽啤酒在太空里可能尝起来就像腐坏的泔水。Therefore, a crisp, flavorsome ale on Earth may taste like stale swill in space.

并针对厦门市泔水处理的现状以及管理和处置对策进行研究。The status quo of swill treatment and management and disposal countermeasures in Xiamen were studied.

探讨了用绿豆凉粉泔水研制清凉饮料的工艺过程和方法。The technological process for making a refreshing drink from mungbean protein-swill was investigated.

扎克曼先生到了猪栏边,跨过围栏,把泔水倒进食槽。When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbed over the fence and poured the slops into the trough.

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地沟油指从下水道的浮油或饭店餐厅的泔水提炼的油。Hogwash oil refers to oil extracted from oily floats in the drain or leftover food from hotels or restaurants.

她们在战俘营的门外正为如何进去发愁时,从战俘营里由几个日兵押着拉出一个泔水车。In their camp is worried about how to get in at the door, from prison camps by the soldiers detain a few days with out a swill.

由于疾病暴发的威胁,如口蹄疫,许多国家禁止泔水作为牲畜的饲料来源。Swill is banned as a feed source to livestock in many countries, due to its threat to disease outbreaks such as foot and mouth.

素来被国外饮酒者嘲笑为廉价泔水的中国葡萄酒朝着令人满意的水平迈出了一小步。China's wine, long derided by drinkers outside the country as cheap swill, has taken one tiny step toward respectability this week.

中国现在发生的灾难跟19世纪在纽约持续了几十年的“泔水奶”丑闻非常相似。The disaster unfolding now in China is similar to the "swill milk" scandal that rumbled on in New York for several decades of the 19th century.

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它是那么大,足以拖得动三人抱得木材,两大桶泔水或者沿着高速路收集一个夏天所得到的汽水瓶。It was big enough to haul three armloads of firewood, two buckets of swill or a whole summer's worth of pop bottles picked from along the highway.

目前还没有政府机关收集泔水,因此饭馆通常花钱请人将餐厨垃圾清走或者卖给私营企业。There is no government service that collects recycled oil, so restaurants may pay collectors to haul it away or will sell it to private companies.

泔水包括从餐厅收集来用以加工饲料用肉骨粉的未食用肉和其它废弃的肉。Plate waste consists of uneaten meat and other meat scraps that are currently collected from some large restaurant operations and rendered into meat and bone meal for animal feed.

泔水“的使用使管理局难以辩明反刍动物饲料中是否含有违禁蛋白,从而影响动物饲料条例的充分实施。The use of "plate waste" confounds FDA's ability to analyze ruminant feeds for the presence of prohibited proteins, compromising the Agency's ability to fully enforce the animal feed rule.

而奶厂工人在原奶里加的更多的是泔水奶——一种从奶牛中挤出的污浊、浅蓝色状物质的东西。But the greater part was swill milk, a filthy, bluish substance milked from cows tied up in crowded stables adjoining city distilleries and fed the hot alcoholic mash left from making whiskey.