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矿体为铌矿体。No. 3 is columbium orebody.

这有助于确定如何为经济矿体。This helps determine how economic the orebody is.

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品位的急剧下降是矿体边界上的规律。Sharp grade cutoffs are the rule at margins of ore bodies.

这两种矿体都显示了交代成因的特征。All the deposits possess the features of metasomatic origin.

矿体包含黄铁矿,黄铜矿和闪锌矿。The ore body consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite.

这沉淀物在这幅图片的曲线近似冷凝物的黑矽石的扁豆形矿体。The sediments in this photo curve near the ends of chert pods.

矿体产于火山管道的中上部。Ore bodies occur in the middle-upper part of the volcanic pipe.

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由于矿体小,传统印石采制主要是手工挖掘。Because of the small mine, usually the ore was excavated by hand.

工业矿体由矿化石英脉的富金段组成。The ore body is in the gold rich part of ore bearing quartz vein.

表生期主要为矿体浅部的氧化淋滤。Finally, the surface of the gold deposit was oxidized and leached.

青田石出产于中国浙江省青田县城南郊山口、方山一带矿体中。Qian Tian Stone was produced in Qing Tian County, Zhejiang Province.

强蚀变糜棱岩即为金矿体及金矿化体。Strongly altered mylonite is gold orebody and gold mineralized body.

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泥炭植物残体是泥炭和泥炭矿体的主要组分。Plant residues are the main component of peat and its mineral bodies.

利用视电阻率切片图来推演矿体展布形态。Ore distributed shape was deduced by the apparent resistivity section.

矿体无覆盖物,无夹层,开采条件很好。Without mulch, ore without interlining, mining condition is very good.

而基于GIS的地下矿体形态模拟是进行矿产资源预测的关键。GIS-based Ore-bodies model is the key on the mineral resource predication.

从大理岩→滑石矿体→斜长角闪岩具有明显的分带现象。It has obvious horizontal zoning from marble, talc ore body to amphibolite.

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矿体严格受火山口构造控制。Orebodies in zonal distribution are strictly controlled by crater structure.

经4号金异常进行钻孔验证,在深部见到了富的金矿体。Drilling test at No. 4 gold anomaly discovered a rich gold ore body at depth.

大庙斜长岩杂岩体中赋存有丰富的钒钛磁铁矿矿体。The Damiao anorthosite complex is rich in vanadium titanomagnetite ore bodies.