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斯皮兹现在是回天乏术了。There was no hope for Spitz now.

我最亲爱、亲爱的妹妹还是回天乏术了。And so my dear, dear sister died.

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于是天平严重倾斜,大势已去,我的左手回天乏术。So the balance is clined seriously. my left hand failed.

这句话有否定的意思吗?这样译可以吗?他还活着,可是所有人都回天乏术。He was still alive, but beyond anything anyone could do for him.

阿波罗想尽各种办法要救他的挚友,但已回天乏术!Apollo tried every possible way to save his faithful friend, but to no avail!

而且,从未来的创新前景来看,不管是微软还是诺基亚,都回天乏术。And no amount of future innovation on Microsoft or Nokia's part can turn back time.

如果没有电话,晚个十分钟左右,伤患可能就回天乏术了。Without telephone, ten more minutes later would make the ambulance turn to mortuary instead of emergency room.

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归根到底,开餐馆还得落到菜的质量上——不断给食客以痛苦经历的餐馆,再大的腕也是回天乏术。Ultimately, it has to be about the food – no amount of star quality can save a restaurant churning out consistently poor experiences.

赤飞见师弟回天乏术,便指点三人前去造访师父,师父是一名返老还童,法力无边的老顽童。Red fly see teacher younger brother impotent, and advice to visit three master, master is a rejuvenation, power is endless old holy terror.

“乌拉尔”银行分析家斯莫林担心俄罗斯首富在金融危机重压下已经回天乏术。Ural" Smolin Bank analysts worry that the financial crisis in Russia's richest man, has been under heavy pressure back to the days Lack of technique."

但在2007年夏,他在民调中的数字下跌、经费减少,致使许多政治专家认为麦凯恩的竞选活动回天乏术。But over the summer of 2007, his numbers sank in the polls and his funds diminished, leaving many political experts to say that McCain’s campaign was hopeless.