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那么、士大夫又是怎样的一类人呢?So, what kind of scholar-officials is a class of people?

宋学是士大夫的学问、是士大夫的思想。Song learning is a scholar's knowledge, the scholars thought.

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古代中国的士大夫,在“理财”方面素有偏见。Scholar-officials in ancient China had bias on managing financial affaires.

士大夫在与道士结下深情厚意的同时,也促进了道家、道教思想的发展与传播。So this kind of fellowship boosted the development and spread of Taoism's ideas.

另一方面也是中围古代文人士大夫雅化追求的必然结果。For another, it is necessary consequences for scholar-bureaucrat who pursues elegance.

本文以几首还乡诗为切入点分析中国古代士大夫的乡愁。This paper studies the homesickness of Chinese ancient intellectuals through their poems.

欧阳脩在宋代士大夫新文化的型塑过程中极具影响力。Ou-yang Xiu was a man of great importance in shaping the literati culture of the Song Dynasty.

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所以,作为封建帝王和士大夫艺术的园林变得空洞而毫无生机。Thus landscape gardening, the ancient art of emperors, became formalised, desiccated, sterile.

因此,道家、道教对每一个士大夫的影响有很大的差异。That is to say, they did get the different influences from the Taoist school and Taoism's ideas.

忧患意识则是古代封建社会士大夫的一种人生自觉。The consciousness of hardship was the self-knowledge to the scholar-bureaucrats in feudal society.

但他不能不承认现实中士大夫阶层正在逐渐消逝的现实。But he can not help but recognize the reality of the ruling class is gradually disappearing reality.

对于留寓江东的士大夫群体,孙氏有所扶持,以作为对抗本土士族的工具。In order to fight with the local Confucianism bureaucrats, they support the bureaucrats from the north.

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但更多的士大夫则从“天朝中心论”出发,对新的世界观进行了激烈的抨击。However, more scholar-officials from the "center of heaven" from the new world view for a fierce attack.

与传统士大夫相比,现代知识分子对于文化空间的需求迥然不同。Modern intelligentsia pursued different cultural spaces compared to the traditional scholar-bureaucrats.

麻姑祭祀中心的形成与南城士大夫集团形成的历史过程是一致的。The formation process of this center is also the formation process of Nancheng outstanding people group.

然而,王维也毕竟是士大夫阶层中的一员,儒家思想对他有着不可磨灭的印痕。However, being a member of literati and officialdom, he was deeply affected by the ideology of Confucian.

面对外来文化,中国士大夫从不同的心态出发,反应各异。Meanwhile, the Chinese scholar-officials took different attitudes in response to the Western civilization.

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即便在宋代士大夫阶层中,信仰五运说者也还大有人在。Even in the Song dynasty scholar-officials level, the belief that the five were also transported elsewhere.

论证宋代士大夫在家与国之间的互动。The second part discussed the scholar-officials'interaction between family and country in the Song Dynasty.

文人士大夫的双重性格是词的抒情主体转移的必要条件。The dual characters of scholar-officlals are the essential condition of the lyric subject shift of the word.