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我使劲把那箱子拖入室内。I lugged the box into the room.

月光透过窗户泻入室内。The moonlight poured in through the windows.

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然后等他们出去上班的时候我入室抢劫!And then I’ll rob them while they’re at work!

他因入室抢劫被判刑18个月。He received an 18-month sentence for burglary.

我们睡觉时一定让贼入室偷了。We must have been burgled while we were asleep.

犬只在晚上要被牵入室内。The dogs were to be taken in the house at night.

我是一名中国游客,我想报一起入室行窃案。I'm a Chinese tourist and I want to report a burglary.

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阳光从窗户斜射入室。The sunlight slanted through the windows into the room.

去年抢劫和入室行窃成灾。Last year there was a plague of robbery and housebreaking.

装有警报器,预防入室抢劫者。House is equipped with alarm to avoid unpredicted burglars.

还有许多罢工工人因为非法入室和盗窃被捕。Many others found themselves arrested for trespass and theft.

天冷了,玛丽把所有室外的盆栽植物移入室内。It was cold, Mary moved all the outdoor bonsai into the house.

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节日期间,各项入室清洁服务将暂停提供。In-house cleaning service will be suspended during the National holiday.

我希望至少我们的入室抢劫能让你的小组团结起来。We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group!

这种病使她见一叶飘零随风入室便仇恨满怀难以自禁。It made her sentimental over a leaf that the wind had blown into her room.

花盆及可能被风吹倒的物件应搬入室内。Flower pots and other objects likely to be blown away should be taken indoors.

猎狼倾向于对人们告诉它该做什么产生抵制行为,入室行窃也不例外。Borzois tend to resist being told what to do, and housebreaking is no exception.

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他因一起与毒品相关的入室抢劫并杀害多条人命案被判入狱。He was sentenced for a drug related home invasion where several people were killed.

政府官员和消费者都受过尽管这些高调入室行窃。Government officials and consumers are uneducated despite these high-profile break-ins.

繁殖出这只混血儿的女士将其移入室内手养,希望将它培育成宠物鸟。The woman who bred the bird took it inside to hand-feed it, intending to make it a pet.