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什么样的乐队?What kind of band?

乐队不停地演奏着摇滚乐曲。The band rocked away.

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“你知道泰纳利文乐队吗?”"Do you know Tinariwen?

游行队伍的末尾是一个乐队。A band ended the parade.

询问有关乐队成员的事。Inquire about bandmates.

我也可以当一个巡回乐队管理员。I could even be a roadie.

乐队演奏一些选曲。The band played selections.

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我们就是一个硬核乐队。We are just a hardcore band.

谁批示这个乐队?Who conducts this orchestra?

乐队奏起慢步舞曲。The band played a slow dance.

哎,这个新乐队真是太酷了。Hey, this new band is awesome.

我在2002开始教学校乐队。I began teaching band in 2002.

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波兰死亡金属乐队维达。Polish death metal band Vader.

这支乐队在法国巡回演出。The band is on tour in France.

乐队奏乐迎接宾客。The band played the guests in.

啊,我错过了我最喜欢乐队的演出.Ahhh,I missed my favorate band.

杰克为学校乐队打鼓。Jack drums for the school band.

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来自曼格雷哇岛的波利尼西亚乐队。Polynesian band from Mangareva.

斯洛伐克碾核乐队流产。Slovak grindcore band Abortion.

乐队高声奏出一支狐步舞。The band blared out a fox trot.