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你是否准备让你家人来英国探亲?Whether or not will your relatives go to UK to visit you ?

外国留学生的陪读家属,应作为探亲者申请L签证。Family members accompanying students shall apply for L visa only.

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多萝西的孩子们带着第三代从美国回来探亲。Dorothy's children came from America to visit with the grandchildren.

孔林拿着这封信回乡探亲,打算再一次领妻子到法院,结束他们的婚姻。Once more he planned to take his wife to the courthouse and end their marriage.

去年秋天回家探亲,正逢一件趣事。Last autumn, I went back home for a visit and encountered one interesting thing.

过年去探亲戚朋友的礼物,一般是食品为主。Generally The new year's gifts given to relatives and friends are mainly food-based.

咱们到多伦多探亲,看看女儿一家,游览一下欧洲的风景。We are go to visit we daughter or her abodehold in Toronto or go on a twe of Canada.

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韵书召集当年的老兵游行要求台湾开放老兵返乡探亲。Striking the veteran convened the parade for the opening veterans returning home visit.

孔林拿着这封信回乡探亲,打算再一次领妻子到法院,结束他们的原油婚姻。Once magazine print he planned to take his wife to the courthouse and end their marriage.

幸好的是,那天早上村子里有个来探亲的年轻男医生。Fortunately, there was a doctor in the village that morning, a young man visiting relatives.

去土耳其的旅游签证和探亲手续是一样的吗?要提早多久办理?Hi! I would like to ask if you can help me get a tourist visa to Turkey? I am a citizen of the Phili.

萨阿德穆罕默德伊克巴尔玛妮是巴基斯坦人,他说,他在印度尼西亚探亲时被捕。Pakistani Mohammed Saad Iqbal Madni says he was visiting relatives in Indonesia when he was detained.

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在海外探亲的年少的女儿今天下午已经飞回悉尼。A teenage daughter who has been overseas visiting relatives has flown back into Sydney this afternoon.

现在有海外关系的人很多,出国探亲变得十分平常。Nowadays many people have relatives residing abroad, so going abroad to visit relatives has become common.

南方来的另一位探亲的退休教授,他懂英语,他在芝加哥当然更方便了。Another retired professor from south of China , knowing English, that he lived in Chicago much conveniently.

那些外出工作的人回家探亲的主要消费是往返的火车票和飞机票。Round-trip plane and train tickets have also been a major cost for people who work far from their hometowns.

这次回家探亲,很多时候我就是和家人坐在一起吃吃饭或者嗑嗑瓜子。On my trip home, I spent a lot of time sitting around with family eating or just snacking on sunflower seeds.

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相反的,我们却一直强调要把抽签或者探亲作为判断合法移民的主要标准。Instead we continue to emphasize lotteries and family-reuniting as the principal criteria of lawful immigration.

在这些集体活动结束后,探亲团人员将分散回故乡探亲。After these group activities, group personnel will be distributed to visit relatives back home to visit relatives.

经调查此例HIV感染者由其丈夫从泰国探亲回归后而感染的。According to this report and investigation this one with HIV infection was infected by her husband retuning from Thailand.