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她以哀求的眼神看着他。She gave him an imploring look.

她哀求国王发慈悲。She implored the king to have mercy.

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我们哀求小川先生担任主席。We've asked Mr. Ogawa to take the chair.

“但我们没钱拿药啊。”姐姐哀求。But we got no money! ' The sister bagged.

中国并没有因法国的苦苦哀求而心软。China said no to the French cry for help.

他哀求他的叔叔去说服他母亲。He beseeched his uncle to remove his mother.

我不顾一切向攻击者哀求。In desperation I pleaded with the attack ers.

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她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去。She begged her stepmother to allow her to go.

正牌女人苦苦哀求男友不要离去。Genuine woman begging her boyfriend not to go.

尽管她苦苦哀求,他也没有手下留情。He refused to hold her hand though she begged.

他嘴唇动着,哀求地看着她。He moved his lips and looked at her imploringly.

她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously a voice choked with sobs.

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依然是那些嘴巴的悲叹,依然是那些哀求的血液。Lament of old mouths, blood of old supplications.

奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp dared only make a gesture of entreaty.

奎尔普太太仅能大着胆子做出一种哀求的姿势。Mrs. Quilp durst only make a gesture of entreaty.

孩子苦苦哀求,但父母就是不让步。The child pleaded, but the parents wouldnt yield.

你的膜拜者跪下双膝哀求你!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you !

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他坐在房间的一个角落里一边哀求一边诉苦。He sat in a corner of the room canting and whining.

我们应该诉诸和约和卑下的哀求吗?Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication?

她用哽咽了的嗓音苦苦哀求。She implored piteously , in a voice choked with sobs.